
MD文化俱乐部:Dark Horse

十大正规博彩网站评级我们的下一版MD文化俱乐部是奥尔特林厄姆的数字营销机构 Dark Horse. 了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们的公司文化,以及在Dark Horse工作是什么感觉, we caught up with three members of the team. 



Dark Horse is a digital agency specialising in PPC, 缴纳社会 and SEO. 当我们使用“获奖”机构时,我们面临着不断的失望. They delivered mediocrity and poor returns. We became the change we wanted to see. We became the agency that we wished we had. 我们成了Dark Horse.

Dark Horse的存在是为了让V达到行业标准,并证明卓越不是那些最富有的人的权利. We’re here to redefine what success looks like – and who’s entitled to it. 我们希望帮助那些最需要帮助的公司,我们希望有真正的人才来帮助我们做到这一点. 我们需要野心. We want people to succeed on the same upwards trajectory as Dark Horse.

There's no ping pong tables or pizza Fridays in our office, 但我们希望我们的员工能看穿公司提供的肤浅的福利——这几乎总是为了他们自己的商业利益. If you expect your work to be as fun as your weekends – it won’t be. That’s not us having a shit culture, 那不过是社交媒体上的骗子为招聘广告制造了一种虚假崇拜. Dark Horse wants work to be as fun or as satisfying as it can be. We want the team to have as much joy as they can within the work environment. 我们希望每个人都感到受欢迎,无论职位、信仰、背景如何. 我们竭尽所能帮助实现这一目标,但从定义上讲,它并不完美. Every company can always do better. 我们说真话,我们努力. That’s a good way to sum up the culture here.


How does the company go above and beyond to attract and retain tech talent?

正直和聪明的人将帮助Dark Horse实现其雄心、方向和使命. 这就是我们招聘的目的. Dark Horse wants to be the best SEO, 缴纳社会 and PPC agency in the country, judged by results and not validation on LinkedIn or industry press. 我们不关心这个. It is our talent that will get us there.

We are honest to our potential recruits; we tell them what we are really like. That isn’t reception bathtubs and glitter. 当然,我们和其他机构一样有福利,但我们不会在周五给员工免费水果. 他们可以自己买水果. What we will give them is opportunity and development. Three years at Dark Horse is the equivalent to eight years at other agencies. That is because we give our staff the chance to challenge the status quo. Help raise the bar of digital expectations. We train them and they learn from the best. This is the offering our staff want, this is what attracts them.

We aren’t for everyone, but those who are hungry to learn will succeed. 正是这种雄心壮志留住了我们的员工,我们将继续满足这种雄心壮志. 

What does the future look like for the company and its employees?

庄严的地方. Certainly, a bigger headcount and hopefully an enviable client roster. What the future won’t be is an AstroTurf plagued office, 或者在领英(LinkedIn)上发布一系列绝望的帖子,目的是让工作生活看起来很美好. Dark Horse will never be a picnic. 未来我们的团队将致力于他们喜欢的项目,当我们能够有选择性的时候. 道德, 环境, inclusive will be in and debt management, 赌博, astrology will never darken our shadowy doors. 然而, 我们将始终挑战规范,教育我们的客户对行业提出更高的要求. 庸才去死吧.


Can you describe your role at the company?

I joined Dark Horse in November 2020 as Head of PPC. I manage a team of PPC managers and we make money for our clients. At Dark Horse, we work as a collective, that is our mindset. This means that everyone works on clients’ accounts, 因此,客户可以获得全方位的技能和我们承诺的专业知识. 重要的是,我参与了向客户交付可衡量结果的过程,因为这也使我能够改进它并交付更多. 

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

Dark Horse had a clear mission, communicated by John. Dark Horse was created to raise expectations, put clients first and not be afraid to do things differently. 这种道德的PPC方法引起了我的共鸣,我想在这个行业中实现什么. There was also a huge emphasis on growth rather than just existing, which seemed an exciting new challenge. 

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?

自从十大正规博彩网站评级, I’ve had the privilege of working with some amazing colleagues, all of whom have been fully supportive, 让我立刻融入了Dark Horse团队,学习了Dark Horse的开发流程. 我通过定期与客户会面并了解他们的目标来了解他们. 我也可以自由地与团队分享我的知识,并对我认为可能不同的领域做出改变. 所有的想法都是受欢迎的,每个人的意见都受到重视和尊重,不分等级. 每个人都朝着同样的目标前进,感觉就像我们都在一起旅行. 我们作为一个团队定期交谈,每周至少去一次办公室,以保持紧密的联系.


Katie Turnbull,市场经理

Can you describe your role at the company?

As Marketing Manager at Dark Horse, I’m involved in getting the Dark Horse name and values out to the world. 我计划活动,开发所有媒体的内容,并确保我们的品牌是正确的. 我在Dark Horse被赋予了很多责任,这里的每个人都尊重自己的想法和意见. 随着我们的成长, 我将承担更多的项目,以建立更广泛的地理人口统计品牌,并为我们的目标客户群产生线索.

You’ve been at the company for a number of years, can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?

I believe in the ambition of Dark Horse. The talent the company already has and those it is recruiting for, are all driven in the same direction. Dark Horse may only be young, but it is a fighter. 我喜欢它对客户的高标准,对公司内部也是如此. Dark Horse是一个团队,正是这个团队帮助我们交付客户期望的可衡量的结果. The team is everything here and this will be the reason we continue to grow.

What would you say to a person considering joining the company?

We’re not for everyone, but we don’t want to be. 我们拥有强大的品牌和声音,因为我们想要改变对数字的期望. 我们勇敢而无情. If you enjoy working hard within a fellowship, then we are for you. 十大正规博彩网站评级,你将得到奖励. 我们的工作方式可能各不相同,但我们都是一台运转良好的机器,我们共同主宰着网络. 

To find out more about Dark Horse, 点击这里.

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