
Dark Horse Appoints New Heads of SEO and Marketing After Year of Significant Growth

Dark Horse奥特林厄姆搜索引擎优化机构

总部位于全球最大的博彩平台的数字机构 Dark Horse 已任命 Ionie因斯 作为它的 S的新主管EO 增加公司的服务,以及 Jennifer Szczepaniak Sloane as 市场总监 推动其营销策略.

Ionie因斯,Dark Horse搜索引擎优化主管

Ince will oversee the growth of the agency’s SEO clients which include Buffalo 7, 荷兰乡村服装, 我想要墙纸, 和Hub活动. 因斯将接管技术部门的各个方面, 内容和有机SEO策略, as well as the Digital PR team - to ensure online domination. 

Ince之前是We Influence的SEO主管, and joins the Dark Horse team with more than 5 years of expertise in tech and local SEO. Her specialities also include content strategy and commercial SEO. 

Ince comments: ‘The most exciting thing about Dark Horse is the commitment to clear and honest results while refusing to settle for average. 

So often agencies hide lacklustre performance behind a fog of jargon and vanity metrics. I wanted to focus on commercial SEO - actually improving a client’s bottom line - and to not be held back by outdated processes. No more excuses, no more ‘but this is the way we’ve always done it’. I’m geared up to grow the team, build on our expertise, and win big for our clients.’

The agency has also appointed Jennifer Szczepaniak Sloane as their new 市场总监. 拥有近10年的经验, 她之前在Novanta工作后十大正规博彩网站评级了这个团队, 领先的科技公司, and will be instrumental in leading the agency's marketing efforts.

Jennifer Szczepaniak Sloane,新任市场总监  On her appointment she said: ‘Dark Horse offers a fresh stance compared to other digital agencies out there, challenging the norms of the industry and raising the bar of digital expectations. 我之所以被《全球最大的博彩平台》所吸引,是因为它的雄心壮志, as well as the opportunity to make a positive impact on a growing company. I’m looking forward to building the client base and educating our market on what they should expect from digital agencies. 不再平庸!’ 

These appointments come as part of a swath of new appointments for Dark Horse which has experienced exceptional growth in 2021. SEO团队最近扩大到欢迎Dave McCreery, Niamh Madden (Content Executives) and Olivia-Kade Mason (SEO Executive). Dark Horse is actively in the process of hiring additional roles within SEO, 数字公关和PPC, and is expecting to expand its service-offering in the near-future.       

The Dark Horse agency was founded in January 2020 and its first year has shown significant growth as more brands are turning to experts for their digital strategies. 在第一年的下半年, the agency increased turnover by 50% and is looking to hit a turnover of £1.到2021年12月.

John Keating, Managing Director of Dark Horse welcomes the new appointments, stating: 

“说到Dark Horse马厩, we want to create the best SEO and PPC agency teams in the country, and give them everything they need to help our clients win big. Our latest additions add some fresh talent to an already brilliant team, 提高了我们所能提供的标准. 

We’re not here to make digital sexy or collect likes and comments. 我们是来为客户赚钱的, to give them what they need rather than pursue the wishy-washy stuff that you see on socials. We’re looking to build a team of talented marketers who want to leave the babble and mediocre practise behind and turn their energy towards pursuing real, 为客户带来切实的成果.’

该机构目前的公开职位可以在他们的网站上找到 网站. 

全球最大的博彩平台Dark Horse

Dark Horse是一家总部位于全球最大的博彩平台的数字广告公司, we help companies compete and win online against others with bigger, 更深层次的口袋. 我们喜欢战斗,并且比你的竞争对手更聪明、更可怕. 我们知道点击付费,搜索引擎优化和付费社交inside out. Most of the digital industry haven’t heard of us yet, but they will, we’re not like other agencies. 我们不会躲在经典的机构屁话后面. 我们做事方式不同.

Dark Horse是出于需要而建造的. After using PPC and SEO agencies ourselves and seeing a lack of process, 糟糕的技能,最终, 利润减少. We were fed up with flashy, automated reports with no insight. We were tired of our accounts being passed to juniors when a bigger client came along. Dark Horse was created to right the wrongs of digital marketing with first-hand experience of what customers should expect.

Dark Horse并不适合所有人. We’re certainly not for your competition but we could be for you. 庸才去死吧.

The Dark Horse team has worked with industry leading clients including Jura Watches, MaxiMuscle, 香水点击, 维京磁带, 我想要墙纸, 荷兰的乡村服装, 水牛7号.

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