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Naimuri partners with ‘42 Engineer Regiment (GEO)’ for technology conference


总部位于全球最大的博彩平台的科技公司Naimuri最近与“42工程师团”(GEO)合作。, (国家地理空间情报中心的一部分)为其新的面向客户的技术会议TAG (Tech, Academia and Government).

The event saw over 100 people from across academia, 政府和技术部门在Naimuri总部联合起来,并听取了来自英格兰北部的六位学者的意见, 分享一系列数据见解和解决方案,探索解决问题的技术,以确定如何更好地从卫星图像中了解森林的特征, using a range of data analysis techniques’.

TAG was launched back in June 2022 and was the brain-child of Dr Phininder Balaghan, Innovation and Engagement Lead at Naimuri. 他的愿景是建立在Naimuri的“卓越数据情报中心”(DICE)的基础上,并通过提供创新理念来创建一个能够应对政府(和国防)核心现实生活挑战的活动, showcasing ground-breaking data and state-of-the-art academic research.

Dr, Phininder Balaghan, Innovation and Engagement Lead, who joined the company from the University of Hull, said: 

“When we launched TAG back in 2022, 我们无法预料到这次活动的成功,与国防部和42工兵团(GEO)合作举办第二次活动真是太棒了. TAG是我们“卓越数据智能中心”的重要组成部分,旨在突破界限,探索和推动合作,并彻底改变. 我们是西北科技领域第一家举办此类内部技术会议的公司,我们感到自己处于一个幸运的位置,能够让我们的合作伙伴在一个支持和安全的环境中聚在一起,探索可能的领域. We look forward to growing the TAG brand and creating further events and collaborations”.

SSgt Warren Slade | Cap Dev SSgt | Strategic Command | Defence Intelligence, said:

"TAG was a well organised event from the onset, with clear direction on the agenda, objectives, challenges, talks and the networking in between. The talks were meticulous, insightful and informative, 它为我和我的团队提供了多种途径来立即探索和确定问题集的可能解决方案. 所有的学者都非常投入,非常渴望在纸上解决这样一个简单的问题,  but extremely complex to accomplish in reality. 如果没有Naimuri团队的辛勤工作和奉献,TAG是不可能实现的, who all had such great work ethic and positivity.  We hope there’ll be more opportunities to work with Naimuri in the future”.

Vicki Saward, Information Advantage Global Campaign Director from QinetiQ said: 

“TAG是任务客户、学术界和技术之间合作的一个很好的例子. 42工程师团(GEO)提出的挑战是明确定义的,学者们都以独特的方式解释了简报,并分享了一系列潜在的解决方案,包括使用为宇宙学开发的几何技术分析树冠的几何形状, 通过树叶识别和基于雷达的卫星图像,旨在更好地了解森林砍伐. TAG demonstrated Naimuri's, 以及QinetiQ建立多样化生态系统以解决客户问题的能力,并展示我们在数据科学和信息优势方面日益增长的专业知识. I look forward to the next event and seeing the TAG brand prosper”. 


  • 纽卡斯尔大学:讨论了如何结合两种技术来应对挑战(主动学习和分层分类).

  • 全球最大的博彩平台大学:概述了使用卫星图像的物体变化检测或灾害评估.

  • 赫尔大学:阐述我们如何使用天文制图技术来寻找树干.

  • Liverpool John Moores: Showcased a number of different data science techniques,  such as Time series Activity Detection. 

  • 谢菲尔德大学:展示了一项解决这一挑战的计划——明年将一颗利用纵波穿透树冠的卫星送入太空.

  • 约克大学:介绍了在卫星图像中寻找模糊项目的数据科学技术.

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努力使英国成为一个更安全、更美好的地方。我们的愿景是彻底改变国家安全, data intelligence, and law enforcement through the use of technology. We’re the company everyone wants to work with.We are a team of highly experienced, passionate, technology experts.我们结合我们在大型系统集成商工作中获得的经验,并以最快的速度应用它, innovation and mindset of a small, efficient organisation.We are motivated by our mission to make the UK a safer and better place, which is evident in everything we do. 我们致力于在不断发展的文化、人员和流程的推动下不断改进.We don’t do agile, we are agile.Being lean and agile is not something we do, it’s something we are. It is ingrained as a core characteristic of our DNA. It is instinctive in the mindset of all our people and implicit in everything we do.软件开发我们是提高效率和简化流程的整个开发生命周期的专家. We focus on the whole life costs, not just development. 我们开发系统的方法默认是安全的,并将技术卓越与创新相结合, 前瞻性的解决方案安全的云迁移我们可以将您的网络扩展到云中, 迁移您的应用程序和基础设施,重点关注安全性和可靠性. Our approach provides a seamless transition, allowing you to take advantage of the cloud with minimum disruption to your business.DevOpsReduce the cycle of developing your software to getting it deployed into production. 我们可以帮助您实现基础架构的自动化,并为您的开发团队提供一个工具集,使其成为自助服务. 不再需要向运维团队提出请求,也不再需要等待服务器的供应. 我们可以帮助您开发一个持续交付管道,使您能够更快地实现应用程序的价值,并降低运营风险.Our people are what make us great.We are a diverse group of inventive, pragmatic, forward thinking individuals.We put our people first to cultivate a creative environment where everyone can thrive.


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