
第一次, Manchester Digital has dedicated a week-long programme of events 和 activities to celebrating Greater Manchester’s thriving ecommerce sector. 

整个电子商务周, 2023年3月20日星期一至24日星期五, 我们讨论了该行业面临的一些关键挑战, learned about exciting technological advancements 和 shone a spotlight on some of the businesses operating in the space. 请继续阅读我们本周的总结.

电子商务周2023由 先进的商务, PushONBruntwood科技.


本周伊始,我们发表了《全球最大的博彩平台》一文 “绘制客户旅程的黄金标准”. Anybody with an ecommerce store underst和s the importance of mapping out their 客户’ journey, 我们询问了领先的电子商务公司,比如先进的商务, PushON, 非常组, 黑马, 雨城机构, Userism, 丝毫, Creative Content Works 和 Phoenix Digital how you can optimise different stages of the customer journey.

  • “视觉营销是成功零售战略的关键组成部分, 零售商可以通过创造具有视觉吸引力的产品来取悦顾客, 信息丰富的, 还有有趣的展示,引导他们参观商店.”
  • “自动化点燃了个性化, 哪一种方法可以将联系人数据转换为真正的客户.”
  • “确保你的客户旅程流畅, 消除“死胡同”, 提供多种进入和重新进入购买渠道的选择.”
  • “绘制客户旅程地图有助于创造更加以用户为中心的体验, 提高用户满意度并改进业务成果.”
  • “如果你的品牌有故事要讲, 你绝对应该想办法把这些融入到你的产品主张中.”
  • “Monitor your data 和 based on your insights, create actions to improve your customer journey.” 
  • “沉浸式技术有能力改变用户体验, 并为客户和品牌提供显著的好处.” 
  • “在一个竞争激烈的领域, 确保在线销售是关键, 所以要确保你的退货政策是明确的, 可视化和尽可能简单的过程.”


周二, 利公司, 专注于转换的机构Door4的主管, led an 信息丰富的 30 minute webinar on the "See Think Do Care" framework - a proven approach that can increase engagement, 驱动转换, 提高客户忠诚度.

STDC框架帮助企业了解客户如何与其产品交互, 和 Leon was keen to stress that this isn’t linear - the state of mind of your 客户 at any time is about intent of purchase, 哪个会一直波动.


  1. Recognise that your audience interacts with your br和 differently at each stage 和 not all are ready to commit to purchase
    • 参见:专注于提高品牌知名度
    • 思考:强调考虑和参与
    • 要:优先考虑转化率
    • 关怀:专注于客户维系
  2. Determine the digital 和 offline channels you plan to employ in order to optimise the four stages of the STDC framework, 包括搜索, 电子邮件, 视频和付费搜索.
  3. 利用分析来评估你的活动在各个阶段的成功, 并深入了解你在每个阶段的努力的相对影响.
  4. Recognize that retention plays a vital role in maintaining engagement 和 encouraging repeat conversions; avoid focusing solely on acquiring new 客户.


Ecommerce Week continued with two professional development sessions 和 the publication of our 电子商务企业观察功能.

当天的第一个专业发展会议由Rachael Kotadia主持, 营销总监, 还有克莱尔·特罗亚尔, 客户总监, 来自营销自动化专家 番茄酱.

在一个信息丰富的会议上,有很多可行的建议, Rachael 和 Claire ran through 10 ways that you can get more value from your existing channels, 客户, 团队, 在英国应对动荡的经济环境时,技术或数据.

  • 瑞秋:“给你的顾客意想不到的快乐时刻. Show them you really appreciate them 和 send them discounts or rewards at times that are special to them.”
  • 瑞秋:“让顾客买东西真的很容易. 我们应该为贵宾们扫清障碍.”
  • 克莱尔:“了解你的客户关心什么,他们的痛点是什么. 是什么把他们引向你的产品/服务/品牌? 如果你对你的客户有深刻的了解,你就永远不会缺少内容.”
  • 克莱尔:你的营销部门的人并不是唯一可以创造内容的人. 让客户在社交媒体上分享你的产品或服务. 来自真实客户和人的图像可能更真实,更值得信赖.”
  • 瑞秋:“测试所有的东西,不会花你一分钱. 真正细微的改变可以提高你的转化率,进而提高你的收益. 记住在一段时间内一次测试一件事.”

Later in the morning, Ecommerce Week sponsor 先进的商务 delivered a session on Online Search & 商品优化,由Katie Woodhead领导,客户服务总监.

  • “深刻理解客户的想法和感受. 了解这些情绪是如何受到心理、人际关系、经济和文化的影响的.”
  • “创造相关且无摩擦且有吸引力的体验. 相关性消除摩擦, 但需要通过端到端旅程与额外的UX优化相结合.”
  • “过滤器依赖于最佳数据. 良好的管理是纠正不良数据的必要条件. 或者使用人工智能来绘制和优化选项.”



在工作室1, PushON’s Business Strategy Director Simon Wharton delivered “Maximising the lifecycle of your customer”, where he talked through how br和s really need to underst和 their customer 和 how they can solve a problem for them. Simon brought the presentation to life with up-to-date examples of what br和s are doing well in terms of personalisation, 忠诚度和用户体验. 

同时在工作室2, 本Hookway, Relative Insight CEO讨论了“如何在没有饼干的情况下卖饼干”, talking through the issues surrounding the ending of third-party cookies on web browsers 和 how that will affect ecommerce retailers. He discussed how br和s 和 agencies can use a comparative methodology to get more value from four types of text data: survey data, 回顾客户服务, CS记录数据和社会倾听.

接下来的会议由詹姆斯·马克斯菲尔德主持, 搜索引擎优化铅, 还有大卫·卡雷伦, PPC负责人, 来自营销机构黑马讨论“如何击败谷歌和你的竞争对手”. 

二人专注于如何纠正:失去可见性,有限的控制和偷偷摸摸的添加. They explained how to make your ROAS increase 和 showcased SEO fundamentals to maximise revenue growth.

同时在工作室2, 安德烈·布朗, 先进的商务的首席执行官和创始人, 介绍“AI个性化与商品销售的融合”. This was a fascinating insight into how ecommerce retailers can use AI to personalise the visual merch和ising experience, 这包括控制消费者如何观看产品的顺序, 哪一个能突出高利润产品或季节性产品, 例如. Andre also discussed the role of AI 和 how it needs that human judgement to make the best decisions. 他问零售商:“你们是想做订单接受者还是潮流引领者?”.

接下来是由零售主管Ralph Robinson主持的小组讨论 & BJSS的消费者市场, 还有罗布·布莱克, 美容湾和普尼特·戈恩卡的技术主管, AWS销售主管.

讨论的焦点是美湾如何聚焦于其核心人口, 哪些业务随着业务的增长而增长. 2022年初, 美湾拥有6000万活跃用户, 哪一个比2019年选举中投票的多. They also talked about ‘anywhere commerce’ where 客户 want to buy there 和 then when they see a product. 通过AWS重新构建网站, Beauty Bay now has 50% less computer costs 和 can autoscale in order to be adaptive to any future disruption 和 periods of higher web traffic 和 orders. 

A talk called “The Rise of the Metaverse: How it Will Impact Digital Production” by Vladimir Mulhem, 创新 & Creative Content Works的技术总监, 马克·斯托克, 非常组的高级创意经理非常棒, 强调当前的虚拟世界相当于20世纪90年代的互联网, 这说明还有多大的潜力有待发掘. 

Mark Stocker talked us through how 非常组 had a problem to solve during the Covid p和emic, 他们的网上订单明显飙升, but they were struggling to shoot enough product photography due to the health 和 safety regulations to limit the transmission of Covid. 

该小组提出了一个有趣的解决方案,他们使用数字化模型, which sees clothes photographed on a mannequin that are the exact dimensions of their own models. Digital software then adds the clothing to the model so it is almost impossible to see that the model was not photographed for each item of clothing. 当然, there are interesting ethics around this 和 the models sign up to licence their image to be used in this way.  

我们的主题演讲是由Andy Todman发表的, Director of Engineering at Pets at Home who discussed how the business is going through a huge digital transformation. 他们80%的业务来自英国各地的450家实体店, 和 online 客户 have multiple log-ins for the different services offered by Pets at Home. 

Andy talked us through the whole journey of how they are developing a MACH-driven omni-channel platform, 是什么将客户的数字生态系统与多个接触点连接起来. 

The final panel discussing “Optimising Online Retail” was expertly chaired by Business Cloud editor Chris Maguire, 丽贝卡·沃斯利也十大正规博彩网站评级了, 创始人 & 雨城机构首席执行官,Deirdre McGettrick, unfurnish创始人.和Shopit的创始人Adam Pritchard.

All three founders came together to share their experiences 和 knowledge of setting up an ecommerce business 和 how to optimise the online experience, 这包括彻底了解你的客户和目标受众. 

他们一起讨论了如何确保自己的电子商务体验, 或者是他们的客户, 是完全优化和针对他们的人口. Deidre解释了85%的购买决定是由女性做出的, 所以他们的电子商务体验完全是针对这个目标市场的. 

我们要对参加会议的每一个人表示衷心的感谢, 我们所有的演讲者都分享了他们自己的经历, 见解和知识, 还有我们的赞助商, PushON, 高级商业和布朗伍德科技, 感谢你们支持我们的会议以及我们与电子商务行业的合作. 

