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In recent years, 电子商务已经成为消费者购买产品和服务的一种越来越受欢迎的方式. With the rise of online marketplaces and the growing availability of technology, 全球最大的博彩平台越来越多的企业将电子商务作为接触全球客户的一种方式. As a result, 该市的零售科技行业见证了在该市设立办事处的在线零售商数量的惊人增长, making it the greatest concentration of ecommerce start-ups in the UK. In this article, 我们将仔细研究全球最大的博彩平台的一些电子商务品牌,这些品牌正在行业中掀起波澜,并准备成为下一个大事件. From established players to up-and-coming startups, we'll showcase Greater Manchester's thriving ecommerce sector.


Depop成立于2011年,已成为转售和可持续电子商务领域的领军力量. From vintage fashion to secondhand designer pieces, Depop是一个平台,用户可以在这里买卖自己的衣橱,看看朋友或时尚灵感的喜好, selling and buying. 该公司在全球拥有超过3000万用户,在伦敦拥有400多名员工, Manchester, Los Angeles, New York City and Sydney. 

Native Youth

Native Youth是一个可持续发展的时尚品牌,总部位于英国全球最大的博彩平台,成立于2012年. 该品牌的理念是创造当代、可持续的服装,注重质量和设计. Native Youth's clothing collections are influenced by global streetwear trends, offering a unique and modern perspective on classic designs.

In addition to offering sustainable and high-quality fashion, Native Youth is also committed to ethical production practices. 他们与供应商密切合作,确保公平的工资和安全的工作条件, as well as minimizing the environmental impact of their manufacturing processes

该品牌的可持续发展声明进一步强调了他们减少碳足迹的承诺, minimizing waste, and increasing their use of renewable energy. Native Youth also encourages customers to take part in their recycling program, which allows customers to send back their old clothing for reuse or recycling.

Overall, Native Youth是电子商务领域值得关注的时尚品牌,因为它致力于可持续发展, ethical practices, and high-quality design. With a focus on timeless and contemporary pieces, 土著青年为寻找符合其价值观的时尚的顾客提供了一个有吸引力和可持续的选择.

Little Greene Paint & Paper

The independent British paint manufacturer, Little Greene Paint & Paper, 生产对环境和社会负责的油漆和壁纸,并承诺质量. 他们与室内设计专家Pooky Lighting和慈善合作伙伴(如Breast Cancer Haven和国际博物馆和画廊)合作, including The Whitworth Art Gallery and Imperial War Museum North. 

The Modern Milkman

Modern milk kman是一个电子商务品牌,正在改变人们购买杂货的方式. 他们的使命是提供一个可持续的和方便的替代传统超市, with a focus on reducing waste and supporting local producers.

The Modern Milkman offers a wide range of products, from fresh produce and household essentials to eco-friendly personal care items. Customers can order online and receive their items in reusable, returnable containers that are collected and refilled on their next delivery.

使现代送奶人与众不同的是他们对可持续发展的承诺和对当地社区的影响. 他们优先考虑与当地生产商合作,减少食物里程,支持当地经济. 该品牌还制定了零浪费政策,并使用电动汽车送货, further reducing their carbon footprint.

Overall, 现代送奶人是一个值得关注的电子商务品牌,因为他们致力于可持续发展, local communities, and convenience. With their unique approach to grocery shopping, 他们让消费者更容易做出有意识的选择,减少对环境的影响.


With over 4 million visitors a month and 73,000 event organisers across 41,000 venues, it’s hard to deny Skiddle’s success. Established in 2001 by live music fans Ben Sebborn and Richard Dyer, the company is committed to making ticketing better. 他们的目标是为顾客提供公平的交易,给顾客72小时的退票期, refunds for cancelled events and the option to resell tickets on the app. Loyal customers can even gain access to fee-free tickets. Since starting their charity checkout scheme, they’ve also managed to raise over £200,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support (a charity close to our hearts), the Disasters Emergency Committee, CALM and many more.

Beauty Bay

What began as a fragrance retailer, Beauty Bay now sells 10,000 plus products from across the beauty, skincare and cosmetics industry on their website. 该公司的目标是提供难以找到的产品,并向美国推出受欢迎的产品.K. In 2018, they launched their own brand which prioritises quality, affordability and being cruelty-free. 美湾自己的产品现在是其网站上最畅销的产品,并取得了巨大的成功. Considering global ecommerce of beauty products is set to grow to $450,000 by 2027 (Statistica), we’d say Beauty Bay are always one to watch!


gr um是一个电子商务品牌,由来自全球最大的博彩平台的四位朋友创立,他们发现了女性和男性护肤品市场的复杂性和局限性. The brand has gained popularity by offering skincare products with a real purpose, using quality ingredients and making them affordable for their customers.

gr um与其他护肤品牌的区别在于他们对可持续发展的坚定承诺. All of their products are manufactured in the UK, reducing their carbon footprint and supporting the local economy. Grüum also has a unique recycling program for their razor cartridges, making them the first and only company in the country to do so.

With a focus on purposeful skincare and a commitment to sustainability, Grüum is an ecommerce brand to watch. Their dedication to quality and affordability, as well as their innovative recycling program, makes them an attractive option for customers looking for conscious skincare options.


锦鲤鞋业是一个电子商务鞋类品牌,为年轻一代提供价格实惠、时尚的鞋子. Their extensive range includes boots, sandals, trainers, and heels, all designed with the latest trends in mind.

该品牌的使命是让年轻人通过选择鞋子来表达自己, while prioritizing inclusivity and sustainability. Koi鞋业提供了广泛的尺寸,包括一个大码系列,到英国13.

Koi Footwear also takes a strong stance on sustainable and ethical practices. 该品牌使用纯素材料来减少对环境的影响,并努力减少生产过程中的碳足迹. Additionally, 他们有一个回收计划,鼓励顾客回收旧鞋,并为这样做提供奖励.

Overall, 锦鲤鞋业是一个时尚和实惠的电子商务品牌,重视包容性和可持续性. With a focus on trendy designs and ethical practices, they cater to a younger demographic looking for stylish and conscious footwear options.

Mnt Cndition

Mnt condition是一个专注于可持续发展和道德实践的电子商务品牌. 公司高度重视通过使用100%认证的有机材料和避免使用有害化学物质来尽量减少对环境的影响. They also use compostable garment bags to reduce waste. Mnt condition有一个回收项目,提供以旧换新的折扣,鼓励顾客回收旧衣服.

Beyond their commitment to sustainability, Mnt Cndition has a strong and dedicated following due to their unique non-commercial, conceptual vision. 该品牌的生活方式和以多样性为中心的方式赢得了一群狂热的追随者, making them an ecommerce brand to watch.

Across the week of Monday 20th - Friday 24th March 2023, Manchester Digital are celebrating all things ecommerce with our first Ecommerce Week. Find out more about what's happening across the week here, including a Conference, professional development sessions and informative content.

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