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The latest survey by Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX), the world's digital infrastructure company™, revealed that UK IT leaders have serious concerns about staff retention and recruitment.

According to the Equinix 2022 Global Tech Trends Survey, 67%的英国IT决策者认为,拥有IT技能的人才短缺是他们业务的主要威胁之一, compared to 62% globally. Companies—including Equinix—are looking to widen the talent pool, bringing in more diverse candidates through alternative recruitment drives. The 2,900名受访者承认,科技行业的转型速度让企业很难找到具备合适技能的人才来应对当前和未来的挑战. In addition, 61%的英国IT领导者承认,科技行业的快速转型加剧了技能短缺问题. 

Globally, 44%的受访者认为最常见的担忧是求职者的技能不合适, and retention of current talent. In the UK, the results were slightly higher, with 45% of IT leaders highlighting applicants’ skill sets not matching vacancies, while 49% felt retaining talent was an increasing challenge. In addition, 一半的英国受访者(50%)表示,员工对混合和灵活工作模式的期望的转变增加了进一步的压力.   

Across the globe, the most in-demand tech employees are IT technicians (27%), cloud computing specialists (26%) and those with an AI/machine learning aptitude (26%). Other skills shortages include data analysis (21%), data protection (21%), security software development (19%) and security analysis (18%). Globally, IT leaders anticipate the gaps in tech skills will remain similar in the future, with AI/machine learning becoming even more prominent.  

In the UK, the survey identified the biggest tech skills gap today as being in AI/machine learning, with 28% of hirers highlighting a shortage of expertise, 其次是IT技术人员(25%)和云计算专家(25%)的空缺。. 

Keri Gilder, CEO of Colt Technology Services, based in London, explained: “在科技行业,找到合适的技能是一个真正的问题,尤其是在软件方面. 现实情况是,随着服务的软件化,所有行业都在寻求同样的技能. 这里的挑战之一是,年轻人才对科技行业的机会缺乏认识. 尽管所有的工作都在海底等领域进行,但连接提供商并没有出现在许多用例中,即使是在大学级别, satellite and fibre. We have to think collaboratively around talent, 作为一个行业,我们需要引进更多等待机会的不同技能基础.”

In response to skills shortages, many global businesses are working hard to reskill people from other areas. Indeed, 62% said they reskill workers from similar industries, while 34% are trying to bolster their workforce with recruits from unrelated sectors. It is a similar story in the UK, with 57% of businesses reskilling workers from the IT sector and related industries, while 39% seek to reskill applicants from completely different industry sectors. 最近的裁员和休假计划促使工人们开始寻找机会来提升他们的技能或职业, 提供培训和发展机会的科技公司可以更好地吸引人才.

全球最常见的再熟练工人来源是行政和业务支持(36%), finance and insurance (33%), and those returning to work after a period of absence (30%). 这些熟练工人倾向于通过从事IT技术工作来帮助企业弥补技术技能差距(51%), cloud computing (36%) and data analysis roles (35%). Similarly in the UK, the IT industry is drawing talent from administration and business support (36%), finance and insurance (36%), manufacturing (32%), and people returning to work after a career break (28%). 

Equinix has a collection of career transition programs under its Career Pathways portfolio. 这些项目旨在通过吸引具有可转移技能的职业来扩大和多样化人才库, such as military veterans transitioning to civilian life, and retired Olympians and Paralympians, through a partnership with Athlete Career Transition (ACT). 职业转型再培训项目占全球现场作业招聘的40%, sourcing workers from adjacent industries, such as airline, oil and gas, and hospitality, and reskilling them to fill data centre roles. Additional programs include the soon-to-launch Invictus, which will focus on hiring SkillBridge veterans disabled due to military service, New To Career, attracting new graduates, and refugee-targeted talent schemes. 总的来说,这些举措的目标是在2022年为公司带来超过750名员工. 

Meanwhile, 企业也在寻求通过高等教育和学徒计划招聘人才. 全球IT领导者表示,他们的公司与高等教育机构合作的主要方式包括提供学生实习机会(42%)。, running collaborative training programs with higher education institutions (41%), 参加学院/大学招聘会(37%)和参与学位学徒项目(34%).

In the UK, 44%的公司正在参加学院和大学的招聘会,以寻找新的人才, 36%的企业与教育机构合作,支持相关的学位学徒制. Additionally, 36% outsource company training to higher education institutions, and 35% run intern summer placement schemes. 

According to Brandi Galvin Morandi, Chief Legal and HR Officer at Equinix, “调查显示,无与伦比的技能组合阻碍了全球以技术为重点的团队获得人才. 对于某些角色所需的具体技能,总体上缺乏理解, and potential candidates need better guidance around training, preparation, and job opportunities. 

“这一挑战为我们的行业提供了以不同方式招聘和培养人才的机会, and this is something we’ve been working to get ahead of in the past few years. 我们认为,公司应该为技术岗位制定一个循序渐进的人才发展路线图,以满足缺乏经验和训练有素的候选人. 另一个机会是导师计划,帮助潜在的候选人进入一个成熟的人际网络,获得职业指导, while connecting companies with suitable candidates for a robust talent pool. 我们还鼓励高等教育和职业培训机构与公司内部的技术团队合作,确保他们的课程为学生提供合适的技能,并为他们理想的职业生涯做好准备,” Galvin Morandi added.

Gary Aitkenhead, Senior Vice President, EMEA IBX Operations at Equinix, noted: “The skills gap is present across the entire tech industry, 但在运营岗位上尤为突出,因为快速的变革意味着劳动力需要不断提高技能和扩大规模. At Equinix, 我们开展全面的培训计划,以确保我们现有的员工拥有他们所需的技能, but it is more difficult to find new recruits with the right skill sets. 最终,没有足够的人意识到数据中心行业的职业机会. To help solve this problem, Equinix is trialling a number of initiatives in EMEA, 包括职业过渡项目,如英国的“我很了不起”项目,旨在帮助来自不同背景的人在经历职业空当后重返职场.” 

To further progress in this area, Equinix recently launched the Equinix Foundation, partnering with organisations to advance digital inclusion, from providing access to technology and connectivity, to developing the skills required for technology careers. 该基金会旨在支持致力于培养所有年龄和背景的个人在当今数字世界中取得成功的非营利组织.

To read more about the Global Tech Trends Survey or download a copy, please visit: Equinix 2022 Global Tech Trends Survey

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