
关注多样性 & 纳入DWP数字

专注于...多样性 & 包容

我们在全球最大的博彩平台数字的使命之一是帮助结束不平等,增加技术和数字领域的多样性. 我们希望激励和鼓励更多来自不同背景的人考虑从事技术和数字领域的职业.  

我们希望了解我们的成员在他们的组织中建立和鼓励多样性和包容性方面正在做些什么,并分享最佳实践建议. 我们采访了 DWP Digital to find out what initiatives they have in place across their organisation.

How would you describe your culture and behaviour in your current teams? 

We have an extremely supportive culture at DWP Digital, every person matters. It’s important that we have a diversity of cultures, 经验, 和技能, 以反映我们所服务的公民.

We are a collaborative team of like-minded people, 所有的承诺和热情,我们的目的是使数以百万计的人获得帮助, 他们需要的建议和经济支持. 

我们坚信,多元化和包容性的员工队伍会带来更丰富的经验, 创新和创造力. Through valuing our differences and working collaboratively, we’re making DWP Digital a better place to work.  

We have DWP wide minority networks to bring communities together, e.g., DWP Pride for LGBT+ colleagues and THRIVE for disabled colleagues. 专门为少数民族和群体建立的网络,旨在实现性别平等, providing a safe space to connect and receive support. 

Our benefits package provides a real work-life balance. It’s built around reducing barriers and including family-friendly policies i.e.,学期时间,灵活和混合工作. We allow people to shape how and when they work. 

在工作场所, we ensure colleagues have the right technology to be their best, 比如适应性和辅助性工具. 我们有工作调整护照, ensuring that when a new joiner has an adjustment, 这种调整伴随着他们的职业发展或在公司的调动. 

我们的行为包括始终关注我们如何继续改善工作场所, listening to our colleagues by asking for feedback, 定期进行焦点小组讨论,并定期分析年度人口调查的数据. 

Do you have 多样性 and 包容 objectives in place? 

Simply, our objective is to as be as diverse as the citizens we serve. We want to be representative of all cultures, genders and ages.

我们努力提供包容和重视多元化的服务,并在员工中促进机会平等. 目标是确保这些承诺, 由我们的价值观所强化, are embedded in the day to day working practices with all our colleagues, 客户, 和合作伙伴. 

We are working hard to understand the barriers that are preventing representation, having set tangible objectives to work towards. 这包括清楚而诚实地讲述我们的立场和建议的行动,以及支持这一立场的数据. 有一个特别小组来推动我们的D&I forward and clear优先级&我计划在每个高级领导团队. 

What are your areas of focus and what initiatives are you working on? 

Our focus is attracting unrepresented groups to apply for our roles, 我们特别注重鼓励少数民族和残疾人申请这里的职位, we are working on a recruitment process that enables them to succeed. 

我们还专注于帮助DWP数字部门的同事获得晋升,如果他们愿意的话, to help us increase diversity at a senior grade. 我们努力支持我们的人才永远做到最好,并通过平等的机会让他们追求自己的职业生涯.

根据Wiley Edge的2022年第二份年度“科技多样性”报告, which surveyed UK respondents aged 18-24 years, 6%的黑人背景的人表示,缺乏种族多样性是追求科技事业的一个障碍. To combat this, we are showcasing inspiring and visible role models. We shar our colleagues’ stories and perspectives, 庆祝他们的成就, 帮助提高公众意识. 

调查接着说, 近15%的女性表示,缺乏榜样让她们不敢进入这个行业. Our award-winning Digital Voices programme has just concluded its 5th year. 这个项目, 针对女性, builds confidence by providing networking opportunities and interactive sessions, encouraging the women involved to share their stories to inspire others. 

We analyse our recruitment process through research and insights, removing gender focused language in job specifications, and have used a ‘name blind recruitment’ policy since 2015, 减少偏倚的风险. 继续关注招聘, 我们现在鼓励没有代表的团体自愿十大正规博彩网站评级招聘小组.

我们最近成立了一个高级多元化工作小组,由在各自岗位上具有重要影响力的个人组成. 这个工作组正在测试新的招聘方式, 促进, 并选择, which ensures we drive equity and equal 经验. 

We continue adjusting during the hiring process, 残疾信心雇主计划, 一项政府倡议,旨在鼓励雇主招聘和留住残疾人和有健康问题的人. Through this, we are providing guaranteed interviews. 我们还在尝试一种新的面试方式,即提前向候选人提供面试问题, helping those who struggle to think on the spot. We’re shaping our hiring process to accommodate different needs, 无论人们需要什么,都要做到最好, 我们将尽力为他们做这件事. 

We have a dedicated diversity and inclusion manager and a top-down commitment, 给高层领导明确的目标. 每位董事都有支持多元化的计划. 

我们也很自豪连续第四年签署了《全球最大的博彩平台》, 对多样性的明显承诺.

Have you had any successes with your initiatives?

我们的统计数据反映了我们为增加多样性和包容性所做的工作.  近35%的劳动力是女性,而整个科技行业的这一比例为27%. Our senior team is nearly 40% women, and our executive team are 50/50. 

在2022年的人口普查中,3.2%被认定为LGBT,我们的员工占6%. 9.3%的人口是亚洲人.5% are black, we’re proud 13% of our workforce are from ethnic minorities. 


成功的进一步证据来自数字之声项目的前几批人. When reporting confidence in talking about their work externally, 等级从0%提高到100%, encouraging role models to encourage others into the tech sector. 我们的许多参与者也在课程结束后获得了晋升.

我们的举措和成就使我们在科技行业被公认为最适合女性在数字领域工作的地方. In 2022, 我们连续第四年入选《十大正规博彩网站评级》女性雇主50强,并在2023年的女性IT奖上获得了“年度雇主”奖. We go beyond that, and we believe we’re the best place to work for everybody. 

What support and resources have you used to help improve D & I? 

Our colleagues’ opinions and perspectives are our main support and resource. 

Making sure our people feel included, respected, and listened to is important. We want to understand barriers and how we can overcome challenges that are faced.

We communicate with our wealth of networks in DWP Digital, 我们定期收到反馈,并与他们一起努力提高多样性和包容性. 

我们鼓励多元化的同事十大正规博彩网站评级倾听圈,这样我们就能直接听到他们的观点和意见. These are focused on a different theme each month such as career development, 进展, 和文化. 


We continuously gather diversity and recruitment insights from our data, 包括我们的年度人口调查. Reflecting on previous initiatives and actions, assessing what has been successful and how we can improve. 这个资源帮助我们更好地理解影响同事的问题,并做出明智的决定.  


Having leadership commitment to inclusivity is vital. DWP首席数字和信息官Rich Corbridge也是DWP性别冠军. 他说:

“DWP正在努力创造一个以平等为核心的多元化和包容性的工作场所, allowing us to be the best we can at everything we try to achieve. 这意味着要树立看得见的榜样,并帮助同事培养广泛的技能——不仅是技术技能,还有敬业精神, 领导力与自信.”

我们的建议是倾听、教育并承认工作场所的偏见和不平等. We know it’s also important to having transparency in what you do.

It is important to focus on continuous improvement, 不断查看最新的数据,并向那些代表性不足的同事寻求反馈. It’s good to acknowledge successes, but always to continue to strive to do better. 

To find out more about careers at DWP Digital, 点击这里.

