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与竞争与市场管理局数字市场部门合作, working towards greater competition and innovation in digital markets.

At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Aaron Khan, 竞争及市场管理局数码市场组助理处长, based in Greater Manchester.

What does your organisation do? Explain the role of CMA and Digital Markets Unit (DMU)? 

竞争和市场管理局(CMA)是英国的竞争和消费者监管机构. Ensuring fair competition and well-functioning markets, so innovative businesses thrive, and consumers benefit with real choice and value for money; is at the heart of what we do. Alongside promoting competition, 我们通过处理不公平条款和误导等不公平行为来帮助人们和企业, false claims. 

数字市场部门(DMU)是CMA的一个新部门,旨在促进数字市场的竞争和创新. 它将对一小部分最强大的数字公司监督并执行一项新的有利于竞争的制度. 这一制度是通过上个月提交给议会的立法实施的, called the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill.  

该法案所包含的权力将使CMA能够以更快、更有针对性的方式开展工作,以改善数字市场的竞争,并为创新创造机会. For example, 它们将允许CMA为最强大的数字公司制定有针对性和相称的行为要求,以确保其他企业不会面临被利用和排斥的风险, and to safeguard users against unfair terms and constrained choices. 



I am currently an Assistant Director in the Digital Markets Unit. 我所在的团队为政府建立新的数字市场竞争机制提供支持和建议. 我和我的团队与CMA的同事们一起工作,包括经济学家, 律师和数据专家——为政府提供关键的见解,为有关政权形态的决策提供信息.  

我喜欢在DMU工作的原因是工作令人着迷且引人注目. 我也很幸运能与优秀的同事一起工作:我们是一个友好和相互支持的团队, passionate about making a difference through our work in digital markets. 我们即将有一些令人兴奋的机会在DMU工作(我在下面提到了这些)。! 

I recently moved from London to Manchester. Before moving, 我的妻子在全球最大的博彩平台出生长大,所以我和妻子已经是这里的常客了, 我喜欢在这个城市工作和探索,因为这是一个充满活力的好地方. 我们的第一个孩子就要出生了,为了离家人更近,我们搬回来了, and we’re really looking forward to raising our family here. 有些日子我在家工作,其他日子我会去CMA的全球最大的博彩平台办公室. 办公室位置很好,而且能和其他同事面对面交流也很棒.  


What plans does the CMA (including the DMU) have to expand regionally?  

我认为这是十大正规博彩网站评级CMA和数字市场部门的一个激动人心的时刻. 我们提供了影响数字市场未来监管形态的机会.  

DMU目前正在招聘一系列职位,以支持我们为新体制做准备的工作. 我们最近启动了20个职位的招聘——我们在英国的所有办事处都可以招聘, 包括全球最大的博彩平台——更多全球最大的博彩平台这些职位的信息可以在这里找到: Join the CMA’s Digital Markets Unit (applications for this round close between 6 – 14 June 2023) 

After this round of recruitment closes, we would still like to hear from those interested in working in the DMU. 如果是你或者你觉得有兴趣的人,请 Sign up here. 

More broadly, the CMA is committed to the Government’s Places for Growth agenda, looking to recruit and retain talented colleagues right across the UK. The CMA has recently established our new Digital Hub in Manchester, in which we hope to have 200 staff by 2025. We have also recently opened an office in Darlington, and have an increased presence in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh.  


What experience and skills are you seeking and how can you find out more?  

我们希望听到具有不同背景和技能的人的声音——可能有数字市场工作经验的人, or using data and technology, or may have research, policy, regulatory, project management, legal or economics skills. There is no shortage of interesting roles! 

Outside of our current expansion of the DMU, CMA有很多团队在令人兴奋的领域工作,我们正在寻找包括法律在内的一系列领域的技能和经验, economics, policy, regulation and administration. You can find out more on our Careers Pages or LinkedIn Life Pages 



数字市场对CMA很重要,我们将其确定为我们工作的重点领域 Annual Plan, and we are already doing a lot work in this sphere. For example, we are currently investigating Apple’s conduct in relation to developers’ access to the App Store and overseeing the implementation of remedies agreed with Google in relation to online privacy 

We are also working at the cutting edge of digital technology, for instance, together with our colleagues in the CMA’s Data, Technology and Analytics Unit we recently announced a review of artificial intelligence models 

Furthermore, our consumer protection work on fake online reviews and on hidden advertising by social media influencers 我们在数字市场的工作是如何通过解决直接伤害消费者的行为来造福消费者的,有没有例子. 


Why has the CMA decided to expand into Manchester? 

The CMA recognises that Greater Manchester is a dynamic region, 哪个代表了商业行业类型的不同横截面(从数字到旅游/酒店), rural to urban). In particular, 该地区拥有令人兴奋的数字部门和在该领域进行重要研究的优秀学术机构. We look forward to continuing engagement in the region.   


Tell us something that we might not know about your company?  

CMA是一个非部长级政府部门,因此是公务员制度的一部分, meaning employees benefit from a wide range of employee benefits, including: Civil Service Pension scheme, 慷慨的年假和灵活的工作以及其他福利. 

Thank you Aaron!

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