

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与市场总监Jonny Taylor谈话 Bring Digital.

首先,对于那些不知道的人,你能简单解释一下Bring Digital吗?

Bring Digital是一家屡获殊荣的数字机构,专门从事搜索引擎优化, 主要电子商务品牌的付费媒体和联盟营销. 

成立于2012年, Bring Digital已经成长为全国最负盛名的代理品牌之一. We recently won "Large Digital Agency of the Year" and "搜索引擎优化 Agency of the Year" at the 2023 UK Agency Awards, 我们刚刚入围了2024年北方数字奖的另外六个类别.

在夏天, Bring Digital成为暗物质商业集团的一部分, 一群专注于改变英国及其他地区电子商务的机构.

你们取得了令人印象深刻的增长和收购. 随着公司规模的不断扩大,你对未来的愿景是什么?

现在, we're one of the leading digital agencies in Manchester — but we want to be far more than that. 我们的使命是成为英国电子商务品牌的首选. We want to be the agency that online retailers turn to when they have a complex problem that only experts can solve. 

实现这一愿景的道路充满挑战. 谢天谢地,我们有一个屡获殊荣的团队,他们有能力实现这一目标. 

这是一个正在成长的团队. 我们最近又聘请了13位数字专家,以实现两件事:第一, 以满足我们快速增长的客户群, 其次, 帮助我们发展新的业务发展和战略职能. 我们已经准备好将Bring Digital发展成为一个比以往任何时候都更大、更好的机构.

作为利用人工智能进行电子商务的创新者, what best practices have you learned that could help other agencies looking to adopt these technologies?

像许多机构一样,我们正在利用生成式人工智能来简化我们的工作. But AI used correctly doesn't just save time: it creates the time you need to do the work that matters with the attention it deserves. 这就是我们的目标.

我们对人工智能的主要用途之一是自动化基本数据分析. Streamlining both the collection of data and the execution of time-consuming data tasks (like combining data sets) gives us more time to deliver results for our clients rather than being lost in basic reporting tasks. 

对于电商品牌来说,人工智能主导的洞察将改变游戏规则. 电子商务是一个规模和速度永远是重中之重的行业, 但代价是缺乏控制. The many contradictions and obscurities in large or blended data sets massively slow down the process for teams whose time is already at a premium. 使用我们自定义的AI集成, 我们帮助客户直接做最重要的事情:做出正确的决定.

最终, the proliferation of AI is steering the conversation away from matters of quantity and instead towards the question of quality. Our job as an agency is to tell our clients what activity is of the most value to them rather than what can be done at the most impressive scale or pace. 

对于希望改善整合和采用GA4的品牌, 全球最大的博彩平台避免陷阱,你有什么建议?

我们为所有客户提供向GA4过渡的建议. 在那个时候, 我们看到很多问题突然出现, 幸运的是,我们能够解决并从中吸取教训.

我们看到的最常见的问题之一是团队使用自动迁移. 这在理论上听起来不错,但GA4与Universal Analytics完全不同. 它使用不同的数据模型. Automatic migration means that you're not going to get the most out of GA4 because its newest features require optimised data architecture. Investing time in a more manual migration allows you to better understand the variance between the two platforms. 最重要的是, it'll let you see the impact of GA4's different sampling thresholds on your reports so you can adjust your insights accordingly.

另一个常见的陷阱是没有定义数据保留期. 默认情况下,GA4将数据保存两个月,但您可以将其延长至14个月. This rule applies to custom reports in explorations, while standard reports keep data forever. 如果您在设置GA4时不更改此设置, 您的数据将在保留期后自动删除. You won't be able to run Year-over-Year custom reports, and you'll lose valuable historical data.

切换到GA4对许多电子商务客户来说是一个巨大的变化. We've navigated that best by looking beyond the scope of Google Analytics itself; we offer audits of all types across our clients' entire profile or third- and first-party data sources to ensure the funnel is watertight. 

现在, GA4 is massively underutilised because so many people are struggling to adjust to the new user experience. Our team invested a lot of time and learning to make navigating it second nature so that we can answer any questions our clients might have about it.

What emerging eCommerce trends and innovations are you most excited about as we look ahead to 2024?

人工智能辅助的个性化将改变电子商务的游戏规则. Users are increasingly expecting tailored experiences; mass marketing is giving way to the rise of micro experiences. 在那个世界里, embracing AI becomes essential for the smaller disruptors with small marketing teams and the industry giants who seek to stay ahead of the curve.

谷歌不断发展的产品组合是我们在2024年感到兴奋的另一个机会. 过去一年里, our PPC team has adapted by testing new campaign types to refine our own "best practice" approach in an increasingly automated bidding environment. We've learned how to balance control with scalability to step into the new year with a renewed focus on combining account structure with first-party audience data. We're also working on improved server-integrated solutions to underpin our 2024 with enhanced business data.

The increasing prevalence of social purchasing means those tailored experiences start offsite. From a tracking perspective, it becomes tough to measure ROI at scale without the help of AI. We're helping spearhead those integrations to bring brands into a future where attribution is more channel-agnostic than ever before.

Where do you see the biggest opportunities to contribute more thought leadership and engage with our community moving forward?

One of the best opportunities for us to contribute thought leadership is investing more time into industry-wide discussions about the increasingly complex market with which eCommerce brands are faced. That's why we plan to level up our engagement with the wider business community in Manchester and beyond in the next twelve months.

我们现在有一个健康的渠道,即将举行的活动,我们将参加或发言, 在不久的将来, 我们打算自己开几家. 我们也有合作伙伴,他们可以帮助我们将原始数据和见解推向市场, including in-depth studies that could change our understanding of those emerging eCommerce trends.

We want to be involved in the conversations driving our industry forward; we have the people and know-how to be that change. 只需要问正确的问题!


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