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我们采访了首席建筑师Paul Fjelrad, 软件架构师Jacob Polden, and Mobile Architect Mo Ramezanpoor to find out more about their roles and responsibilities, as well as their suggestions for anyone who’s considering a career as an Architect in the digital space.

Mo Ramezanpoor,首席顾问和移动能力所有者

Paul Fjelrad                           Jacob Polden                        Mo Ramezanpoor

Chief Architect                      Software Architect               Mobile Architect

“One of the easiest ways to fail is to only do what the customer says they want, 没有真正考虑他们需要什么. 我们真正要做的是用正确的方式解决正确的问题. And that might not be the same things as what they asked for in the first place.”

That’s how Paul Fjelrad, Chief Architect at Zühlke, describes how Architects approach their work. 这并不总是一个容易确定的专业, 但这些人在z hlke世界中扮演着至关重要的角色.


当你要求建筑师描述他们的工作时, 他们倾向于直接用建筑来比喻. And it makes sense. In construction, 每个方面都需要考虑,以便, when complete, 最终的结果是成功的. From the floor plan, to the materials, to where the services go, 甚至它与周围建筑的关系, 所有这些都需要架构师考虑到. 在任何技术解决方案的底层,它都没有什么不同. There are a whole range of elements working together to create an experience for the user – and it’s the role of the Architect to make sure this happens correctly. 

“架构师”的描述包含了几个不同的角色. Solution Architects, for example, are more strategic, while Software Architects are more technical. 您还可以获得面向操作的云架构师, 以及数据架构师,他们从另一个特定的角度看待事物. 这些只是该角色中潜在的几个重点领域, but the common thread that unites them all is the job of coming up with the conceptual, and then technical framework that connects all of the aspects of a solution together to produce something seamless at the end of the day. 

What do Architects do?

The role of an Architect starts with a lot of figuring things out – what systems are in place, 他们是如何相互交谈的, 以及如何改进它们以满足业务需求. From here, 架构师将项目的概念结构放在一起, 所有不同的部分都在这里. 这通常采用图表的形式, but this is just the end result of much consultation and collaboration with the rest of their team. 最终这个角色是全球最大的博彩平台降低复杂性的. “我不考虑提供技术, 我想的是提供解决方案, 实际上,如果我可以用更少的技术来实现它们, that’s great,” says Mobile Architect Mo. 

NHS Covid-19应用程序的架构概述

Much of what an Architect does is around helping everyone on the project understand what is actually going to be built. “The primary skill of an Architect is someone who knows how to distil and communicate an idea in a way that works for the person you’re talking to,” says Paul. 这是软件架构师Jacob的回应, when he says, “设计一个时髦的图表是很好的, 但如果工程团队不能使用它, it’s not worth much.这就是为什么他也将建筑视为领导角色, 重要的是,它需要衡量同理心. “你需要辨别其他人知道什么, or need to know, 然后帮助大家朝着同一个目标前进,” he explains.


无论何时你在做什么,都要做出决定. 当架构师在驱动过程时, they provide the strategic guidance to make sure these all best serve the needs of the project. “不管怎样,它都会在后台发生,”雅各布说. “让建筑师担任这个角色有助于更有效地掌舵.” The way Architects come out of a project is just as important as the way they join it too. That transition is key. “We don’t want to just solve one problem and leave the customer with another because they aren’t able to look after and maintain our solution,” says Paul.  

Having an Architect on board doesn’t just influence the way the technical components interlink – they bring the relevant people together on the team too. The Architects at Zühlke help to work out who will be needed on a certain project to make sure all of the right skills are in place. 他们还设计业务本身的产品. 通过了解如何集中z hlke内部的能力范围, 它们可以帮助定义提供给客户端的不同服务. 


建筑师通常通过STEM学位来担任这个角色, and then experience a desire to work on the bigger picture rather than one specific part. 然而,成为一名建筑师并没有特定的学术路线. Jacob, for example, started his career through an apprenticeship before going on to complete his studies. “虽然我现在有公开大学的学位, 我在建筑领域的职业生涯始于提出正确的问题,” he says. 

The range of access points means there’s not really a single technical profile for an Architect. “I’ve got a jigsaw puzzle of the different Architecture capabilities we need, 我正在寻找各种不同形状的碎片来完成它,” says Paul. If your skills lie in Engineering and you don’t feel like you’re ready to make the leap to Architect just yet, 你可以十大正规博彩网站评级z hlke,以这种身份成长. 在公司内部有一个架构师加速计划, master classes and skills shares that allow aspiring Architects gain the abilities they need to step into the role with confidence.  

If you want to become an Architect, you can get going by simply asking the right questions. “Say you’re working on one part of a project – go and find the person who can give you the big picture and talk to them about what’s going on,” suggests Paul.  

Why become an Architect?

One thing that seems to unite Architects is that they are all up to tackle big challenges. “兴奋来自于能够在大银幕上扮演一个角色, 重要的项目,和了不起的人一起工作,” says Paul. 这也是一个你将继续学习和成长的角色. 随着技术的变化,你的知识库也必须改变. 这就是为什么z hlke有一个不断发展的架构框架. After each project, the team assesses the results for learnings and then adds to the collective resources. “我们可以看到我们以一种很好的方式克服了一个项目, 或者也许学会了什么行不通, taking all this and distilling it into ideas we can use again to help us improve,” says Paul.  

Ultimately, as an Architect, you spend your days problem-solving – so if you’re wired that way it could be the career for you. 在z hlke,你也不是一个人在做. 你是组织内社区的一部分, 与同行合作,为客户提供卓越的解决方案. 如果这听起来像是你要面对的挑战, 了解更多全球最大的博彩平台开放体系结构角色的信息, or get in touch with us to talk about how you could get on track to a career in this space. 

So, Architecture in brief

  • Architects are responsible for creating the technical vision for developing a solution to a specific business problem. 

  • 这个职位需要出色的沟通能力. The key responsibility of an Architect is to distil complex ideas and communicate them simply to everyone involved. 

  • 成为一名建筑师需要广泛的技能和知识, but one of the most important is the ability to step back and see the bigger picture. They also need the experience to navigate the numerous problems encountered when developing any solution. 

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