

即使是在稳定的商业环境下, 与我们交谈的GRC团队梦想获得更丰富的数据, 更大的洞察力, 以及保证遵守的简单方法.

在应对经济危机时, 这些不再是锦上添花,而是成为维持生计的必要条件. If you want a cosier way of looking at things, they’re like your business’s armbands.

如果你觉得这个博客有用, be sure to share it with your risk team using those social buttons at the top – but for now, let’s kick things off with a speedy introduction to risk management software for the uninitiated.




It’s a type of software that allows for enterprise risk management to be handled more effectively, 通常是允许记录风险和遵从性问题, 跟踪, 主动控制.

While you’ll find that many large-scale businesses do have risk management software, we speak to a lot of risk professionals who are either critical of their existing tech, 或者坦率地承认他们根本不使用它.

在今天这样的环境中,那是 有关. 风险管理软件并不是什么新奇的发明, 要么,其市场估值预计将达到 $35.到2029年将达到10亿美元.

如果你仔细想想, other departments benefit from tech platforms to help them work to the best of their abilities.

  • 你的财务团队有Xero
  • 您的销售团队每天都使用Salesforce
  • 你的营销人员非常信赖HubSpot

当你这样看的时候, 你为什么不让你的GRC小队带着装备去战斗呢, 太?

正确使用时, risk management software can – and should – act as the go-to location for everything GRC.

We’ll delve a little deeper into exactly why as we explain why SMEs should use risk management in an economic crisis, 从最明显的原因开始.



Here’s the reality of it: areas that aren’t directly bringing in revenue are being slashed.

人力资源团队面临的风险最大,这通常只会降低业务的弹性. 55%的人已经感受到预算削减的冲击.

这是你今年可能会感受到的一些趣事. Layoffs and redundancies have been rife across the tech sector; if the likes of 推特、特斯拉和微软也不能幸免于裁员那么对中小企业的打击只会更大.

And that’s why risk management is increasingly important at times of budget cuts – Thomas Stanton 他在2014年的研究中得出了同样的结论.

但是,这是一个残酷的悖论,风险管理者往往 努力证明自己的价值.

Like the rest of us, those in the risk, compliance, or legal space are having to do more with less.

Ensuring senior management understands your work's value during events like the cost-of-living crisis is essential.


电子表格不是很有形(更不用说,它们可以是有形的) 到处都是错误). 是的,他们展示了一些数字,但这一切都是什么 的真正含义?

一些风险管理系统量化风险并提供定制的见解. This means that not only will you have more data to help you manage risks with confidence, 但这些风险的影响也更加明显.




回想起来, 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案 2002年看起来很古怪.

如今,监管无处不在. 你可能很容易对它翻白眼,但它的存在是有原因的.

UK businesses are scrambling desperately to understand what today’s economy means for them. Brexit, 四个月换了四任财政大臣, 三个首相(和梨树上的鹧鸪鸟). 这不是简单的事情.

环境就越不稳定, 需要更多的检查和平衡来保持一切正常.

中小企业往往是在合规方面需要帮助的一方, 因为他们可能缺乏资金或人力来控制一切.

但对于大公司来说,监管环境也越来越复杂. 截至2022年10月, FCA正在就BigTech的影响征求意见 以及潜在的反竞争增长水平.

简单地说, 风险管理软件可以使合规变得轻而易举, 减轻你手动完成所有事情的压力. 如果有什么需要改变,你会收到一封电子邮件.




A common misconception about risk management software is that it’s there to replace risk and compliance professionals.

不. 但事实并非如此(至少不是这样) RiskSmart).

When done 正确的, risk management software is there to supercharge your risk/compliance efforts.

Three businessmen looking at graphs during a finance review to reconsider their spending


想象你的风险团队是一群强大的朋友(希望不是) 太辛苦 想象).

Implementing risk management software isn’t like introducing a new friend to the group, 打破现有的动态,需要一堆尴尬的介绍.

更确切地说,RMS就像你常去的地方. 拥有高档设备的豪华办公室. 当地一家不错的酒吧,有打折的饮料. 秘密巢穴. 在这种情况下,它是你需要的一切的必经之地, data, 的见解, 量化风险评分等等.

So, while there’s a good chance your business might be holding off on growing your team for now, 你至少可以给他们一个同样可以茁壮成长的地方.




Despite rising costs and other challenges associated with the cost-of-living crisis, 现在是求职者的市场. 人们想知道他们会在一个尊重他们的公司工作, 让他们充分发挥自己的能力并且不会因为石器时代的进程而陷入困境.

这就是为什么某些行业,比如金融, 是否成功地占了便宜 通过挖走所有的人才来解决工作场所的不愉快.

每个人都在勒紧裤腰带. Securing new partnerships – or even external expertise when it comes to all things GRC – seems trickier than ever.

正如我们所说, 风险管理软件并不是作为团队的一员而存在的, 但它将有助于堵塞其中的一些漏洞. Automating some of your day-to-day processes means you can focus on the stuff that really matters, 帮你渡过难关.

然后, 反过来, 用你的新时间, data, 以及增加额外价值的能力, 你可以继续帮助你的企业脱颖而出.

风险管理是一场持久战, 但是要有合适的软件, 它可以产生立竿见影的效果.



这不仅仅是人的成本,这是 罚款.

他们不会歧视. From the big boys all the way down to the scrappy start-ups; a breach of regulation is a breach of regulation.

事实上,FCA(金融市场行为监管局)已经发布了 价值40066060英镑的罚款 2022年到目前为止.

Bar chart showing the low cost of risk management software compared with huge 罚款 faced by businesses for breaking regulations

我们不知道你怎么想,但我们不想成为哪怕是 分数 尤其是在我们很多人都在精打细算的时候.

问题是,很多金融机构甚至不 意识到 他们做错了什么. 是的, 他们可能会走一些捷径, 但这还不足以让你成为被打击的对象, 正确的?

遗憾的是,事实并非如此. Governance and record keeping are complicated stuff, and as we said before, they’re always changing.

罚款也会破坏信任. Many of us look for that shiny certificate of ISO 31000 accreditation when we’re scoping out a business, and finding out that they’ve instead been issued a hefty fine tends not to fill you with confidence.

Increasing amounts of businesses are simply turning to risk management systems as a means of keeping their compliance airtight. 换句话说,你的风险管理越专业,越循规蹈矩, 不是在电子表格上), 你发现自己意外赔钱的可能性就越小.



风险管理不仅仅是防止事情出错. 这是为了确保事情顺利进行.

风险是需要监控的, 测量, 和避免, 是的,但它们也可以被巧妙地绕过和利用. The businesses that recognise this are the ones that will emerge from today’s economic crisis unscathed.

Well, with a few battle scars and a bit of warpaint, perhaps, but alive and kicking.

这也是Brian Schwartz的观点, 普华永道美国治理部门负责人, 合规, 和风险实现解决方案.

“(Businesses that are) leaders in risk management are better positioned to take advantage of growth opportunities,他指出, ,从而提高战略和运营绩效, 为他们的公司带来更大的长期盈利能力.

“High-performing companies 意识到 that one of the biggest risks they face is missing important opportunities because they weren’t agile enough to act when the time was 正确的”.

因此,主动风险管理才是王道. 这算不上什么突破性的新闻,但是出现了 RegTech解决方案 比以往任何时候都更容易抛弃那些被动的习惯和过程.



你不需要我们告诉你,但风险管理并不容易. If it was, then every business would be thriving and entire disciplines would be dismantled.

风险管理软件不是万灵药——无论如何都不是. But it can sure as hell ensure that your business is future-facing over the challenging next few years.

不过,你需要确保你选择了正确的一个. It’s worth considering scalability, proportionality, simplicity, and, of course, cost.

艾玛•班福德(Emma Bamford)表示:“在当前环境下经营企业是一项挑战。. She’s the Head of Customer Success at RiskSmart, but has had an extensive career in risk management.

“这几乎是一个多余的说法. 要确保客户满意,需要不断地做各种工作, 符合监管义务, 而且这个行业利润丰厚. 没有有效的风险管理是不可能的.

“But it doesn't need to take an army of people or be a costly addition to your business.

“Balancing proportionate and effective risk management is the key to achieving your company’s objectives – and selecting the correct risk management software will make this process affordable, 简单的, 和智能.

“Here at RiskSmart, we’re creating risk management software that covers all those bases. 我们希望帮助企业走出当今充满挑战的经济困境. 你不能孤立地做到这一点。”.

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