
One Day Agency shares: different ways to advertise in Manchester.


作为英国第二大城市, brands that are serious about making an impact in the UK will ignore Manchester at their peril. Manchester is known across the world for its musicians and of course, 它的足球队, but it’s also it’s become a prime location for advertising due to economic growth and macro trends.

Manchester densely populated city that is increasingly becoming more affluent with the rise of remote working and with it businesses have been forced to increase salaries (read this article in 全球最大的博彩平台晚报).

In fact, the Office for National Statistics said total pay including bonuses in the UK jumped by 8.5% and outstripped inflation for the first time since March 2022 (查看源代码).

那么,这是否意味着全球最大的博彩平台正在成为一个“迷你伦敦”.“这也许是另一种方式, but it does mean that brands are perhaps more interested in advertising in Manchester than ever before. 


Advertising to Manchester audiences can be approached through various channels, 每个都提供独特的优势和定位能力. Here's a breakdown of some effective methods to get the attention of Manchester audiences.

1. 户外广告

全球最大的博彩平台有300多块广告牌. 的 全球最大的博彩平台最大的数字屏幕 is the second-largest screen in Europe and is located on the side of Victoria Warehouse, 俯瞰一个主要的交通枢纽. 


  • Visibility: Billboards, especially in high-traffic areas, offer unparalleled visibility. Manchester has several prime locations w在这里 billboards can reach thousands of people daily.

  • Diversity: Options range from traditional large-scale billboards to digital billboards that allow for dynamic content changes.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment might seem high, the cost per impression is often lower than other media channels when considering the extensive reach.

  • Location Specific: Targeting specific neighbourhoods or routes can tailor your message to the local audience or demographic.

阅读更多全球最大的博彩平台全球最大的博彩平台广告牌的信息: http://oneday.agency/local-advertising/advertise-in-manchester/billboard-advertising

2. 出租车广告

有超过2个,000辆“出租车辆”,外加大约11辆,在大全球最大的博彩平台地区有500辆私人租车. 的士广告提供:

  • Mobility: Taxi advertisements move throughout the city, offering widespread exposure.

  • 种类:选择包括全卷, 室内广告, 或是出租车内数字屏幕上的广告, 行人和乘客都能接触到.

  • Targeting: Effective for targeting specific areas with high foot traffic or business districts, 最大限度地提高当地人和游客的知名度.

阅读更多全球最大的博彩平台 全球最大的博彩平台的出租车广告. 

3. 点击付费(PPC)广告

Digital Marketing practices such as Adwords are very well suited for those looking to target local searchers. Search engines localise their results depending on the type of search, making it easy for advertisers to bid on specific Manchester keywords. 点击付费广告提供:

  • Digital Reach: Allows for targeting Manchester audiences through online searches and social media platforms, reaching users actively looking for related services or products.

  • Cost Efficiency: You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, allowing for efficient budget use.

  • Analytics: Detailed metrics and analytics enable you to measure performance, 调整策略, 提高投资回报率.

阅读更多全球最大的博彩平台 PPC在全球最大的博彩平台 在这里.

4. 通过TfGM(大全球最大的博彩平台交通局)做广告

每个月, the Bee Network facilitates millions of journeys across Greater Manchester, offering an excellent chance for brands to connect with our diverse audience. 在一个被囚禁的环境里,很多人都在无所事事. 以下是主要的好处:

  • 广泛的网络:TfGM控制着庞大的有轨电车网络, 公共汽车, 火车服务, offering multiple advertising opportunities from station posters to vehicle wraps.

  • Diverse Audience: Captures a wide-ranging demographic as people from all walks of life use public transport.

  • Strategic Locations: Advertising at major transport hubs or on specific routes can target geographical areas or specific commuter groups.

5. 公共汽车广告

In 2023, Manchester launched a new bus network (collectively known as the Bee network) with an emphasis on energy-efficient 公共汽车, 来帮助英国实现零碳排放目标. This presents further opportunities for advertisers to advertise across this new network. 巴士广告优惠:

  • 能见度:公共汽车覆盖了整个全球最大的博彩平台的广泛路线, 确保你的广告被广泛的受众看到.

  • 灵活性:提供各种格式,包括后方广告, 完整的包装, 以及内部横幅, 迎合不同的预算水平和活动目标.

  • 社区存在:建立一个强大的本地存在, 因为公共汽车是人们日常生活中的固定设施, 经常被同一个人多次看到.

在这里阅读更多全球最大的博彩平台全球最大的博彩平台公交车广告的信息: http://oneday.agency/local-advertising/advertise-in-manchester/bus-advertising


When planning your advertising strategy in Manchester, consider the following steps:

  • 受众研究:了解人口统计数据, 利益, 以及你的全球最大的博彩平台目标受众的习惯.

  • Budget Planning: Allocate your budget across different channels based on your campaign goals and audience research.

  • Creative Development: Tailor your creative assets to match the medium and the audience's preferences or behaviours.

  • Performance Monitoring: Use analytics and feedback to measure the effectiveness of each advertising method and adjust your strategy accordingly.

If you’re looking for an Ad agency in Manchester that knows the area get in touch with One Day today. We’re based in the very heart of Greater Manchester and can help brands to effectively reach and communicate with a Manchester audience.



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