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A Day In The Life: Amy Hanson, IT Op, Naimuri

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Amy Hanson is an IT Op at Naimuri. 

We spoke to them to find out more about this role, their experience in cyber security and how they entered the industry. 

Name: Amy Hanson
Company: Naimuri
Job Title: IT Op

How did you get into your current role?

I came across an ad on LinkedIn, after being in the IT sector for 3+ years. Prior to this, 我从学徒做起,然后在一年半之后, 我做了一名律师,在那里我学到了在我的职业生涯中进一步发展所需的宝贵技能. In this role, I learned how to better prioritise my workload, 学会了新技术,也开始对网络安全表现出兴趣. Since then I have progressed further in my career with Naimuri, 在那里我可以学到网络安全方面的新技能,以及我以前没有接触过的新技术.

What do you enjoy most about working at Naimuri?

这里的文化是我最喜欢的,而且可以轻松地在不同领域提升技能. Everyone is friendly, always willing to help, and encourages you to learn new skills to help you progress. 在Naimuri有一个很好的机会,你会得到一个提升技能的预算. 目前,我专注于CompTIA的网络+和安全+,以更好地了解我希望专攻的领域. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

对我来说,典型的一天包括确保所有用户了解最新的网络威胁,并确保所有用户保持他们的机器最新和安全. Further to this, 我确保所有新员工在到达前都准备好了,并在他们十大正规博彩网站评级时受到我的欢迎. 入门流程包括确保他们有相关的访问权限,并为他们准备好一台机器,我还确保他们在第一天就需要做些什么——这包括了解员工,并确保他们意识到安全在我们公司的重要性. 我也负责离职,并确保所有相关资产归还给我们.  资产系统、MDM系统、防病毒平台也由我单独负责. I perform audits of these every few months. 

What is it like starting a new job/working remotely during the pandemic?

It has been very odd and at times difficult. 当我开始Naimuri的时候,它是在家里进行的,因为疫情仍在蔓延. 这意味着我不能亲自与同事见面,而是必须在网上与人见面. This made it a bit difficult to get to know people, but I used this time to get my head down and create a brand-new asset system. When I was eventually allowed into the office, 他们带我四处参观,几个月后,我认识了更多的人,参与了不同的项目.

What excites you the most about the work at Naimuri?

I like that each day can be 和pletely different and sometimes challenging. I can 和e in and a new vulnerability could be announced, 这意味着我需要把注意力集中在确保每个人都受到保护,我们有适当的措施来缓解这种情况. Not only this, 但有时我能专注于提高技能,这让我感到有成就感,能够进步. 这样我就能在我的角色中运用我所学到的知识,这些知识可以帮助我更有效地发挥我的作用. Every day is an opportunity to learn. 

Have you learned anything new since you started?

I have learned more about cloud systems. 由于我的背景是物理基础设施,这对我来说是一件新鲜事. I had worked with Azure and Intune previously, which works on the cloud, but this was integrated with Active Directory and Group Policy. 从那到一个纯粹的云基础设施真的很有趣,实际上也让我更喜欢云,而不是物理的内部基础设施. 云计算允许我们完全灵活,如果出现问题,从it的角度来看也更容易处理. From my experiences, I have learned how to use Google Workspace on a business level, Mobile device management tools, Apple Business, Cloud-based AV tools and other cloud services.

Thank you, Amy!

To find out more about Naimuri, click here. 

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Technical Lead

努力使英国成为一个更安全、更美好的地方。我们的愿景是彻底改变国家安全, data intelligence, and law enforcement through the use of technology. We’re the 和pany everyone wants to work with.We are a team of highly experienced, passionate, technology experts.我们结合我们在大型系统集成商工作中获得的经验,并以最快的速度应用它, innovation and mindset of a small, efficient organisation.We are motivated by our mission to make the UK a safer and better place, which is evident in everything we do. 我们致力于在不断发展的文化、人员和流程的推动下不断改进.We don’t do agile, we are agile.Being lean and agile is not something we do, it’s something we are. It is ingrained as a core characteristic of our DNA. 这是我们所有人的本能心态,隐含在我们所做的每件事中.软件开发我们是提高效率和简化流程的整个开发生命周期的专家. We focus on the whole life costs, not just development. 我们开发系统的方法默认是安全的,并将技术卓越与创新相结合, 前瞻性的解决方案安全的云迁移我们可以将您的网络扩展到云中, 迁移您的应用程序和基础设施,重点关注安全性和可靠性. Our approach provides a seamless transition, 允许您在对业务造成最小干扰的情况下利用云.devops缩短软件开发周期,将其部署到生产环境中. 我们可以帮助您实现基础架构的自动化,并为您的开发团队提供一个工具集,使其成为自助服务. 不再需要向运维团队提出请求,也不再需要等待服务器的供应. 我们可以帮助您开发一个持续交付管道,使您能够更快地实现应用程序的价值,并降低运营风险.Our people are what make us great.We are a diverse group of inventive, pragmatic, forward thinking individuals.我们以人为本,营造每个人都能茁壮成长的创新环境.


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