

全球最大的博彩平台, 这座城市开启了工业革命, birthplace of Baby – the world’s first stored computer system – has always been at the forefront of innovation.

现在仍然如此. 全球最大的博彩平台’s latest transformation has witnessed the city reinvent itself as a formidable tech hub. The city’s tech opportunities have played a large part in attracting fresh talent to the region – as demonstrated by new research that's revealed 创纪录的人口从伦敦迁出.

近年来, “北岸”现象, where businesses move their operations from the South to the North, 见过像我们会员这样的公司吗, 汽车贸易商, join an already booming ecosystem populated by digital success stories such as 放声大哭.comAO.com.

It’s not just talent 和 companies that are attracted to the city. 全球最大的博彩平台 is also the epicentre of northern startup activity with many budding entrepreneurs being drawn to the region.

在全球最大的博彩平台数字公司,很多这样的创业公司 十大正规博彩网站评级我们的会员 to connect with the region’s digital community, take part in events such as 创业的故事, to enjoy a host of benefits such as business growth support, mentoring 和 networking.

虽然我们的会员资格很好, we aren’t suggesting that we’re the sole reason for 全球最大的博彩平台’s startup explosion – here are some key factors that are attracting startups to the region.



全球最大的博彩平台是个很酷的地方. 它正在蓬勃发展,你走到哪里都能感受到. There's culture,re's history,re are affordable (和 impressive) property options,re are 令人兴奋的就业机会, 交通便利好学校.

If you want to delve deeper into why 全球最大的博彩平台 is an amazing place to live 和 work, 详细阅读本文 为什么这座城市是数字和科技工作者的理想家园.

If you’re less interested in the fluffy stuff 和 want to know more about what makes 全球最大的博彩平台 a great place to start a business, 继续阅读


全球最大的博彩平台人口超过50万至39岁.5% of which are of working age with NVQ Level 4 or above qualifications. The city also boasts three universities that draw a collective student population of over 100,向该地区提供000英镑.

Furthermore, at Manchester的数字 we aim to enhance the talent pool in the region through 数字期货, our programme that supports educators in delivering a curriculum that is effective 和 relevant to our industry.

我们还经营着我们的旗舰行业 四级软件开发人员学徒计划.


全球最大的博彩平台 has the second largest economy outside of London for a reason – it supports 和 nurtures new business. Take, for example, wide array of investment 和 loan funds available to new businesses.

选项存在,例如 西北基金, 大全球最大的博彩平台投资基金(GMIF), 企业财务解决方案(BFS) 或者天使网络,比如 西北商业天使 or 天使窝.

At Manchester的数字, we know securing funding can be confusing, which is why we provide 会员制临时手术 in which we offer, amongst other things, funding advice to startups.


Helping to fuel 全球最大的博彩平台's burgeoning reputation as a digital 和 creative fulcrum is the abundance of 联合办公空间 整个地区.

Whether you want to be near the white-heat of learning on the Oxford Road Corridor, 和北区的酷孩子们一起玩, 在全球最大的博彩平台运河岸边工作, 现在被重新构想为MediaCity, be professionalism personified in Spinningfields or head a little out of town with The Sharp Project – there is something for everyone here.

除了共同工作的选择, low-cost business space is available in a range of business parks such as 阿特拉斯商业园区, 全球最大的博彩平台商业园区, 卡灵顿商业园区.

The city is also home to exciting accelerator programmes 和 science partnerships that exist specifically to offer growth support to 全球最大的博彩平台’s science 和 tech companies. 看看 全球最大的博彩平台科学伙伴关系 or 巴克莱自动扶梯加速器 了解更多信息.


好的,我们听到了. 这听起来很棒,但让我们看看一些证据. 细. 往下读,你就能认识其中的几个 我们的成员 谁在创业领域掀起了风暴.

广播.co - This exciting company that enables br和s to set up their own radio stations has gone from strength to strength. Their aim is to guide radio into the digital age 和 make radio relevant again. 该平台目前有超过2个,500 radio stations 和 are branching out to set up the exciting 播客.co.

– these guys specialise in providing data analytics as a service. In doing so,y provide automated insight that guides businesses’ decision making processes. Their platform has saved retail giant Morrisons £1m in food-waste reductions through better dem和 forecasting.


If you want to know more about how you can tap into the riches on offer in the North's top startup city, 与…取得联系 our team to talk about membership by emailing info@azarnewsonline.com

If you’re a current member or a tech startup that would like to be featured on our site, 社交媒体, 和通讯, or just have an interesting story you think our readers will like, 与…取得联系 thom@azarnewsonline.com

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