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Ecommerce Conference 2022 - The Roundup

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司于2022年12月1日星期四在科技孵化器举办了第一届电子商务会议, Manchester Technology Centre.

The success of Greater Manchester’s ecommerce sector is well documented, with the region home to many innovative ecommerce brands, agencies and other businesses that support this thriving industry. 

The sector has seen phenomenal growth over the past few years, 但毫无疑问,随着英国滑入一场可能漫长而艰难的衰退,未来将面临巨大挑战.

Against this backdrop, 今天下午,我们迎来了130多位嘉宾,听取了来自行业领袖的精彩演讲, panel discussions and networking.

The Ecommerce Conference was sponsored by Adobe Commerce, Advanced Commerce, GAIN LINE, mapp, Marsh Commercial and PushON.

下午的活动以克里斯塔尔爱尔兰公司的主题演讲拉开序幕, Executive Director at Rise at Seven, 他在座无人席的大厅里讨论“如何创造完美的跨渠道品牌时刻来推动销售”。.

Kristal Ireland, Executive Director at Rise at Seven

借鉴Rise at Seven最近参与的一些有趣的案例研究和项目, some of the key takeaways from Kristal’s address were:

  • 在过去的两年里,消费者的搜索行为发生了前所未有的变化
  • Consumers are becoming impatient and want a result fast!
  • When it comes to Black Friday, you need to think how you can unthink your competition, not just outspend them
  • What makes people buy can be split into two categories - drivers & facilitators
  • 搜索正在发生变化,所以每一个战略和活动《全球最大的博彩平台》都是以受众为先
  • 通过网红和创作者活动,TikTok正在创造对产品和品牌的巨大需求
  • 42%的抖音用户年龄在30-49岁之间,所以这个群体不应该被忽视
  • The power of influence marketing shouldn’t be underestimated, 80%的营销人员发现网红营销在推动高质量流量方面是有效的,89%的营销人员表示网红营销的投资回报率与其他渠道相当或更好.

Retail panel L-R: Monica Tailor, Neil Memmott, Tim Willis

Our first panel of the afternoon asked the questions, “品牌如何将新技术整合到他们的业务中,什么将产生最大的影响?".

The panel was chaired by Monica Tailor, SVP Global Director at McCann, who was joined by Neil Memmott, Head of Technology at The Very Group, and Tim Willis, Head of Ecommerce at PushON.

  • “在Very,我们不断丰富消费者体验,并努力与消费者互动. 我们需要给消费者购买的信心,而不必退货."
    Neil Memmott

  • "Consumers are now more willing to shop around, 与生活成本危机之前相比,是什么导致了更分散的购物体验. 消费者在你网站上的体验现在绝对是关键."
    Tim Willis

  • "The bounce back has happened, but not as much as we expected. 人们对在线和实体店体验的期望变得更加流畅, but customers expect a lot more online.”
    Monica Tailor

  • “在可持续性方面,The Very Group关注的重点是:  
    - circularity
    - monitoring carbon footprint 
    - minimising miles products travel
    - understanding the welfare of people in the supply chain
    - making manufacturing as sustainable as possible”
    Neil Memmott

  • “我们可能还需要几年时间才能看到虚拟世界中的零售业. For now, 品牌应该开始试水,看看他们的客户对这种技术有什么看法."
    Tim Willis

Retail panel L-R: Monica Tailor, Neil Memmott, Tim Willis

Following the retail panel, 我们在主活动空间的第一次演讲是由Ricardas Montvila做的, VP Global Strategy at mapp他讨论了“确定2023年最大的收入增长机会”。.

RRRicardas Montvila, VP Global Strategy at mapp

Meanwhile, in the board room, Vladimir Mulhem, Technology & Innovation Director at Creative Content Works presented "6 Steps from CGI to Metaverse Ready".

Vladimir Mulem, Technology & Innovation Director at Creative Content Works

Following a short break for networking accompanied by Gin & Tonics, 我们下午在主会场的下一个演讲是由安德鲁·布朗做的, Founder & CEO of Advanced Commerce (formerly co-founder and CEO of Attraqt/Fredhopper), 他讨论了“市场营销和商品销售之间的脱节”.

Andre Brown, Founder & CEO of Advanced Commerce

与此同时,在会议室里,马库斯·哈德菲尔德(Marcus Hadfield)见到了苹果首席战略官 Apadmi, and Adam Hopwood, Head of Product at Co-op, 联合发表“与Co-op和Apadmi对话:如何建立一个忠诚的应用程序和驱动2”.3 million downloads".

Marcus Hadfield, Chief Strategy Officer at Apadmi

For our final presentations of the afternoon, 嘉宾们在主会场欣赏了“如何在充满挑战的经济环境下加速增长”的主题。, delivered by Neil McKay, CEO of Endless Gain.

Neil McKay, CEO of Endless Gain

In the boardroom meanwhile, GAIN LINE facilitated an interactive sprint session, “如何使用Sprint方法解决电子商务中的挑战”.

Kevin Williams, Technical Director at GAIN LINE

For our final session of the afternoon, 所有嘉宾再次聚集在主活动空间进行第二次座谈, 这次我们关注的是电子商务的代理方面,我们问“可组合商务是未来吗??".


该小组由电子商务副总监Chris McCarthy-Stott主持 PushON, who was joined by Stephanie Kershaw, Partner Sales Manager at Adobe Commerce, Steve Gale, Chief Commercial Officer at CTI Group, and Nik Southworth, Chief Product & Technology Officer at IMS and previously Beauty Bay.

  • “整个东西组合起来就是一个轮子,而不是单个部件."
    Steve Gale

  • "What we’re saying now is we want the best of everything."
    Nik Southworth

  • “有了可组合性,它是进化,而不是革命——你不需要从头开始一切."
    Steve Gale

  • “有些零售商确实希望在技术方面脱颖而出,并发展自己的团队.”
    Nik Southworth

  • “我们将市场分为两个部分——中小企业和大型企业. Plug and play isn’t going to work for everyone, 真正的可组合需要大量的工作和计划,所以对于较小的商家来说是不可能的. 我们不会对所有客户谈论可组合性,因为它不是一个适合所有客户的解决方案.”
    Stephanie Kershaw

Following the Conference, guests joined us at Tahi Eatery at Circle Square, 当我们聚在一起讨论下午提出的问题时, 与老朋友重新联系,并通过共享餐桌和饮料认识新朋友,直到晚上.

Details of our next Ecommerce event will be announced shortly. Sign up 到全球最大的博彩平台数字通讯,以跟上所有最新的新闻和公告. 

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