
UK Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) business statistics

Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)are the lifeblood of innovation in the UK. We've dived into the most recent SME statistics, exploring their contribution to the UK economy.


根据 2023年英国和地区的商业人口估计, there are 5.5100万家中小企业,占99.9%的英国私营企业. 5.51 million of these are classed as "small” (0 to 49 employees), and 36,905家被归类为“中型”(50至249名员工)。.
另有4060家企业可被归类为中小企业 R&D Tax Credits purposes as they employ between 250 to 499 people (if they fulfil the rest of the criteria – see below).

What is the definition of an SME for Research and Development (R&D)税收抵免的目的?

While reporting the number of SMEs in the UK, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy uses the basic criteria of between 0 to 49 employees for a small business and 50 to 249 employees for a medium-sized business.

申请 R&D Tax Credits在英国,中小企业的定义更为具体. The SME R&D scheme defines Small and Medium-sized enterprises as having a headcount below 500 and a turnover of under €100m, or a balance sheet that totals less than €86m (regardless of the number of employees). There are several rules that might prevent an SME from applying through the SME scheme, 比如公司的R&研发是有补贴的,或者如果他们在进行研发&D作为分包商. Under these circumstances, SMEs would apply for tax relief under the RDEC scheme.

The process becomes simpler for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2024, 当中小企业必须申请R&D relief through a new single scheme that merges both the SME scheme and RDEC (except when they are classed as being an “R&“D密集型”中小企业,即企业的R&D支出占总支出的30%。.

You can read about the full criteria for qualifying as an SME for tax relief on our 中小企业计划网页.


The 政府的统计数据 显示,到2023年,中小企业雇佣了16名员工.7 million people in the UK, 61% of the total number of people employed by private sector companies.


The 政府报告 英国中小企业的营业额为2英镑.4 trillion in 2023, 53% of the total turnover of private businesses.


对于2021-2022纳税年度, HMRC估计 85,625家中小企业(sme)做出了R&D索赔,占所有索赔的95%.

共制造了79,205件 SME scheme 索赔,可分为:

  • 37,455项公司所得税减免申请
  • 14,470项应付税款抵免申请
  • 27,275 claims for a combination of both payable tax credit and a deduction from CT liability

此外,有6,420家中小企业根据 RDEC scheme.

中小企业在哪里进行R&D in the UK?

在2021-22纳税年度,90%的企业 SME R&D税收抵免计划 索赔来自英国. 3%来自威尔士. 5%来自苏格兰,2%来自北爱尔兰.
22%的中小企业计划申请来自伦敦, 14% came from the South East and 10% came from the North West and another 10% from the East of England. The table below shows the number and percentage share of SMEs claiming R&D Tax Credits, broken down by region for the most recent tax year.

SME R&D 2021-2022年各地区税收抵免计划申请

SME R&D 2021-2022年各地区税收抵免计划申请

Which industries benefit the most from the SME Research and Development (R&D) scheme?

对于2021-22纳税年度,大多数 SME R&D税收抵免计划 索赔来自三个行业,包括信息行业 & Communication (23%), Manufacturing (22%) and Professional, Scientific & 技术(15%).

The table below shows the number and percentage share of SMEs claiming R&D Tax Credits, broken down by industry for the most recent tax year.

SME R&D 2021-2022年行业税收抵免计划索赔

SME R&D 2021-2022年行业税收抵免计划索赔


根据政府的 纵向小企业调查:中小企业雇主-英国,2022在美国,52%的中小企业有女性担任管理职务. 这个数字细分为:

  • 18%的中小企业由女性领导
  • 23% were ‘equally-led’, with the same number of men and women in management roles
  • 11%的公司有少数女性担任管理职务

The industries most likely to be led by women are Health (44%), 教育(34%), 其他服务(29%)和食品 & 住宿(28%).


政府的 小型企业调查 reported that 6% of SMEs were led by a management team with at least half of its members from minority ethnic groups. The industries most likely to be led by members from ethnic minority groups are Information & 通信(9%)、卫生(8%)、食品 & 住宿(8%)、教育(8%)和行政(8%).


近二十年来, there has been sustained growth in the number of businesses in the private sector with 0-499 employees; however, 根据最新的 HMRC data, the number of SMEs declined from 2021 to 2022, with growth starting to return in 2023. In the table below we show growth of UK SMEs in the private sector from 2010 to 2023.

Businesses in the private sector with 0-499 employees, UK 2010 to 2023

Businesses in the private sector with 0-499 employees, UK 2010 to 2023


We don’t have the full data from the 2021-22 tax year; however, 我们知道在2020-21纳税年度, there was a 3% decrease in the overall number of first-time applicants from the previous year.

下表显示了第一次R的数量&D 2000-01至2021-22年度的税收抵免申请人.

第一次R的次数&D 2000-01至2021-22年度的税收抵免申请人.

Note: the number of first-time SME scheme applications for 2021-22 is only partial and will be revised by HMRC at a later date.


In the 2022 小型企业调查中小企业报告了以下增长障碍:

  • 能源价格水平(60%)
  • 市场竞争(41%)
  • 税务、增值税、应缴所得税等. (41%)
  • 员工招聘和技能(40%)
  • 法规/繁文缛节(39%)
  • 其他与成本有关的问题(32%)
  • 冠状病毒(COVID-19)大流行(33%)
  • EU exit (32%)
  • 逾期付款(29%)
  • 国民生活工资(24%)
  • 房舍的可用性/成本(20%)
  • 获得资金(16%)
  • 工作场所养老金(12%)


The 2022 小型企业调查 reported that around three-quarters of SMEs (75%) use some form of external finance. 这一比例高于2021年的74%、2020年的72%和2019年的63%.


根据政府的 2022中小企业调查:

  • 21% innovated through improving processes for producing or supplying goods or services in the last three years
  • 15% innovated through introducing new or significantly improved goods
  • 25% innovated through introducing significantly improved services

While many of these innovations just took place within their respective businesses, 创新新流程的中小企业, 19%是行业新人. Of the SMEs that innovated goods or services, 31% were new to the industry or market. Goods and services innovations new to the industry or market were most likely to come from Construction, (42%), 制造业(42%)或信息行业 & 通信(51%).



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