


这是普遍的事实. 从建筑工地, 哪些需要蓝图来指导建设过程, 给你们的销售部门, 哪些需要一个大纲来解释如何实现既定目标. 

当涉及到B2B销售, strategy is even more vital because the sales cycle is more time consuming and involves more decision-makers and touchpoints. 那么如何启动你的B2B销售策略呢? 以及需要包含哪些信息? 

We’ve broken down what a sales strategy involves and how you can create your own in 六个步骤.


让我们从基础开始. 商业对商业或 B2B销售 是两家公司之间的交易吗. 它可能涉及原材料, 成品或服务,如软件, 硬件或专业服务.

B2B销售策略是一个概述长期销售目标的路线图, 总结你的买家角色, and the processes a sales department needs to follow to achieve preset revenue goals. It’s meant to inform your sales team and help them reach the right target companies and individual prospects, 转换线索并最终赢得新业务. 所以它应该包括比你的年度收入目标更多的东西.

你的销售策略是你总体商业策略的延伸. A business strategy describes the big picture long-term plan for the coming years and depicts a company’s current positioning and overarching growth and profit goals. A sales strategy lays out how to achieve these revenue goals within your sales department.


市场营销和销售团队是任何公司的两个主要驱动力, 为了公司的发展,这两个部门必须共同努力. 然而,每个团队都有自己的一套目标和责任.

A marketing strategy explains how you will reach your target audience and sets the direction for promoting your core message, 建立对你的品牌的兴趣, 扩大你的影响范围.

A sales strategy describes how to transform leads and prospects into paying customers. It will include different sale tactics for different buyer personas in addition to product or service positioning and competitor analysis.


Setting up your first B2B销售 strategy will take a lot of research and analysis. 然而, once it’s in place, it’s a document that can be easily updated year after year. And it gives your sales team a clear blueprint as to what they should aim for and how to do so.

但是如何开始呢? 通过以下6个关键步骤建立一个稳固的销售策略.

1. 确定你的B2B销售目标

在你能有效地销售你的产品或服务之前, 你需要对你想要完成的事情有一个愿景. 这就是销售目标发挥作用的地方. They give direction to your sales strategy and act as a guiding light for your team to work towards.

然而,销售目标不应该是随机设定的. To set realistic sales goals, start by taking stock of your company’s resources. 你的销售和市场团队有多大? 你是否有合适的工具来引导你的客户 销售管道 自动完成任务? Combine this information with past sales data such as won and lost opportunities and cost per lead.

Based on these facts, create both long-term goals, such as a yearly target, and short-term goals. 小的目标, 比如每周或每月的目标, hold your sales reps accountable while building their confidence with incremental wins.

2. 定义你的买家角色

下一个, it’s important to establish who exactly will buy your products or services by creating a buyer’s persona. Because if you don’t know who your customers are and what challenges you can help them overcome, 你将无法影响购买过程.

然而, a buyer persona is more than “Lola, 32-year-old Supply Chain Manager”. It’s an in-depth profile that allows you to understand and empathise with your customers. 所以要超越人口统计信息. 而不是, learn what motivates these people, what frustrates them and what career goals they may have. And then determine how your offering helps potential leads overcome or improve their current standing.

不知道如何最好地启动这个过程? 看看如何 用五个步骤定义你的买家角色.

3. 分析竞争对手

Once you know who you’re selling to, you need to determine your competitors. Map out the current market and observe how your offering compares to others. What are your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses, and how are you different? 对你的客户有什么好处?

Such information empowers sales teams by allowing them to target people in a different but meaningful manner. All the while arming them with knowledge about why prospects should choose you over another company. 让他们在工作中做得更好.

4. 装备你的团队

A solid B2B销售 strategy only works if your sales team is able and ready to execute it. 因此, it’s essential to give them proper training to do just that and provide them with the resources to succeed.

Apart from familiarising sales reps with annual and monthly sales goals and buyer persona information, 为他们提供合适的工具,使他们的产出最大化. From systems that organise contact information and automate tedious tasks to software that identifies your anonymous 网站访问者, providing you with free leads to follow-up with, invest in tools to boost productivity. 让销售人员的生活更轻松对整个公司都有好处. 毕竟,他们的成功就是你的成功.

5. 概述行动计划

有了B2B战略的基础,是时候采取行动了. Define the activities your sales team need to follow to meet your sales target.

要做到这一点,打破你的B2B销售周期. 一般来说,大约有 六个步骤 在这个过程中涉及到:潜在客户的产生, 领导资格, 最初的接触, 建议, 成交及购后跟进.

Based on this cycle, outline the channel, activity and message associated with each stage. 不要害怕细节化. 例如,你会用 冷的邮件 获得新的线索? 或与前景联系上 Linkedin 并通过这个平台培养他们? Will price 建议s be sent via email, or will you conduct all negotiations face to face? And how will you keep in touch with leads who are not quite ready to commit yet?

这些信息可以汇编成一个文档,称为销售手册. A guide that acts as your sales team resource hub because it contains all sales-related content in one place. 提高团队绩效,同时更容易培训新员工.

6. 使用销售kpi来跟踪进度

有了以上所有的决定,你就可以把你的策略付诸行动了. 但是不要创建一个漂亮的PDF然后就把它忘了. 而不是, update your sales strategy yearly to reflect new goals and regularly check in with your sales team. 优化流程和方法并讨论进展, 挑战和新的潜在销售策略值得尝试.

更好地衡量你的团队全年的表现, 实施关键绩效指标(kpi). 与你的目标相比,这些指标会追踪你的成功.


  • 销售机会数量;
  • 平均销售周期长度,
  • 导致机会比,
  • 机会胜率,
  • 平均购买价值;
  • 客户终身价值;
  • 客户流失率;

然而, 这个列表绝不是详尽无遗的,应该根据你的公司量身定制, 目标与销售团队.


To strategically grow and build relationships with potential customers, you need a strategy. 对你目前的情况和目标进行一些挖掘和分析, 你的B2B销售策略可以在六个或更少的步骤中形成.

有了这个基础, you can keep optimising and fine-tuning your sales process and tactics as you go. 让你的销售代表在他们的巅峰状态下工作.

