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Why Flutter will outperform the competition in 2024

image of a revolution that has flutter logos on the flag | Foresight Mobile

Tech moves quickly, and when it comes to mobile app development, frameworks rise and fall like dominoes. But we’re going to make a bold prediction: in 2024, Flutter will be the one to beat. 那么,为什么我们如此有信心,Flutter将在今年改变游戏规则? 为什么它目前的表现优于竞争对手,而将其他框架抛在身后? What does it mean for your app if it’s not built on Flutter?

Let’s dive in and take a look-see.

Why Flutter is the most popular cross-platform framework

Rapid build times

Forget the days of agonisingly slow development cycles. Flutter's hot reload feature lets you see changes instantly, accelerating your workflow and boosting creative iteration. 再也不用等待模拟器或重建应用程序了——这类东西比《十大正规博彩网站评级》衍生剧《十大正规博彩网站评级》过时得更快.

这不仅能提高你的工作效率,还能让你有喘息的空间进行实验和快速制作原型, allowing you to incorporate or reject ideas and features with lightning speed.


有了Flutter,你可以告别糟糕的性能和无响应的滚动. 其本地编译的小部件提供流畅的动画和超快的响应速度, regardless of whether it’s on iOS or Google. It doesn’t matter if you're building a visually stunning game or a data-heavy enterprise app; Flutter performance ensures your users experience a slick, lag-free interaction. And what does that bring? Happier users, higher engagement, and increased profits.


There’s no sugar-coating it; developing for multiple platforms can drain your resources fast. But because Flutter is cross-platform, 你只需要构建一次应用,它可以同时部署在iOS和Android上. This also means you cut development time and maintenance costs in half. No more juggling separate codebases or dealing with platform-specific quirks; Flutter streamlines the process, 使您能够专注于打造卓越的用户体验,而不是导航恼人的开发竖井.

Can Flutter build native iOS and Android apps? You bet!

当我们回顾过去的日子,我们不得不弗兰肯斯坦一个应用程序,使它看起来, felt, and operated the same on iOS and Google, we shudder. Cross-platform app development back then was a nightmare! But now, thanks to Flutter's widgets, you can easily embrace the native look and feel of each platform, ensuring your app blends seamlessly into the familiar experience users expect. 

Flutter seamlessly adapts, showcasing your app in the best possible way. 这种下一层次的平台集成可以带来真正沉浸式的用户体验,并在您的客户群中建立信任.

Flutter web support

This one is a biggie. If you’re thinking of deploying your app to the web in the future, then you’ve already done the hard work. How? 因为你用来创建应用程序的代码库可以用来创建无缝的web体验, too. We can’t emphasise enough how much time, money, and stress this saves. 

A fully-fledged community: Flutter isn't just a framework; it's a thriving ecosystem teeming with passionate developers and industry experts. 从大量的文档和教程到充满活力的在线社区和论坛, help with Flutter is never far away if you need it.

5 more reasons to choose Flutter for mobile app development

Flutter isn't just a trend

it's the future. So, 无论你是一个经验丰富的开发人员寻求一个革命性的工具或一个新兴的企业家冒险进入应用程序的世界, it makes sense to embrace Flutter sooner rather than later. 

We've unpacked the power of Flutter's speed, performance, and cost-effectiveness, 但让我们来看看为什么我们认为Flutter在2024年的表现优于所有其他竞争对手的其他一些原因.

Design Freedom

Flutter基于小部件的架构释放了应用开发团队的创造力. They can craft pixel-perfect UIs with breathtaking detail and animation, free from the constraints of having to use pre-built components. From intricate custom layouts to dynamic, data-driven interfaces, Flutter empowers you to paint a truly unique vision, pixel by pixel.

Straightforward state management

有了Flutter的直观和可预测的响应,曾经是开发人员最头疼的事情变得轻而易举了 state management system. This translates to clear code, fewer bugs, and smoother user experiences. No more wrestling for hours with complex frameworks or tangled dependencies; just write your code, and the app reacts in real time.

Testing like a pro

Flutter takes the sting out of testing. That hot reload feature we mentioned earlier? 这使您可以在测试更改时即时更新UI,使测试成为一个无缝,直观的过程. 告别笨重的模拟器,告别缓慢的测试周期. With Flutter, testing actually becomes an enjoyable part of the development journey, ensuring your app is bulletproof before reaching users.

You’re not limited to just mobile devices 

With Flutter, 你可以用最少的努力将你的移动应用无缝地移植到令人惊叹的网络体验中. Flutter can also be used on Linux, Windows, and MacOS, 为多平台一致性开辟了广阔的可能性,并将你的应用扩展到更广泛的用户. 

Accessibility and inclusivity

In 2024, inclusivity is paramount. Flutter takes accessibility seriously, 内置功能和小部件,使您的应用程序可以访问残疾用户. From proper keyboard navigation to text scaling and clear visual hierarchy, Flutter enables you to build apps that cater to everyone.

Flutter isn't just a framework; it's a commitment to building better, faster, and more inclusive apps.

Ready to embrace the Flutter revolution?

Here at Foresight Mobile, we truly believe that Flutter is the future of mobile app development, 在2024年用Flutter构建一个移动应用程序会让你走在潮流的前面. It’s updated at regular intervals (Flutter version 3.10.5 was released in August 2023) and has the might of Google backing it, 所以我们预测今年你将从Flutter开始看到手机应用开发的所有趋势.

如果你想从头开始开发一个应用程序,或者我们已经说服你从另一个移动应用程序框架切换到Flutter, 然后与Foresight Mobile合作开发这款游戏,将为这一谜题补充最后一块缺失的内容. 

Book a no-obligation consultation 与我们团队的专家成员一起了解更多全球最大的博彩平台2024年最佳移动应用程序开发框架的信息.

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