
My First 12 Months - Chiamaka, 高级敏捷交付经理, DWP Digital

The first 12 months in a new role is a crucial time full of learning, building new relationships and establishing yourself within a business or organisation.

Chiamaka, Senior Delivery Manager at DWP Digital, recently told us about her journey into the role and how the first year has gone so far.

名称: Chiamaka
公司: DWP Digital
职称: 高级敏捷交付经理

What's your professional background and 利益?  

With a background in Geology, I worked as a Graduate Subsurface Data Analyst for a couple of years. 然而, an interest and desire for continuous learning and providing solutions, triggered the transition into the fascinating world of digital delivery. I wanted to move into the digital space as I love things that challenge and push me out of my comfort zone. I identified the beauty and value of working in an agile way and decided to develop my agile skills and knowledge through training courses and mentoring scheme. I had years of experience in different organisations developing these skills, then I joined DWP Digital in 2022.

What attracted you to this role and company? 

I was after an inclusive and appealing work environment that aligned with my values, 利益, 职业目标. I have always loved impactful work which is why I was attracted to a role that contributes directly to improving services for citizens, 但也提供了 健康的工作与生活平衡. Here I have the flexibility to take care of my young family and be present for the things that have eternal value to me.


Considering that I oversee successful delivery of agile projects and products, 我的一天可以是充满活力和变化的, depending on the various needs and stages of the projects. A lot of my time is spent on meetings, collaborating, coaching and problem-solving. It’s my job to ensure that we work together as a team, 我们的目标是一致的, and our work is aligned to deliver the best value to our users.

What are the key challenges in your role? 

The complexities of some of the projects and the need to balance agile principles with regulatory requirements. Navigating the bureaucratic process in government requires adaptability. 

What has surprised you most in the last 12 months? 

诚实, 这是组织文化, the resilient and reliable people I am privileged to work with.


The unflinching support from my community of practice, in DWP Digital we’re grouped into practices which are people with similar skills, 经历, 或者工作职责. Practices allow us to collaborate, share ideas and develop in our roles. 

Also working with like-minded colleagues that maintain a good balance of productivity and banter.

How would you describe the company culture? 

DWP Digital is collaborative, transparent, nurturing, and inclusive.

Can you share details of one project/achievement you are most proud of since starting in this role? 

I work within DWP Place under Tech Services, which provides colleagues access to ‘one place’ to raise and progress all their tech and support needs, such as requesting software and equipment, onboarding new staff and raising IT incidents. 我一直是这项研究的共同负责人, streamlining the end-to-end delivery approach, and implementing new ways of working to transform DWP Place into a Service Now Centre of Excellence. I joined at the beginning of this project, so I have a real sense of achievement seeing how it has developed. 

This project is to ensure we are driving best practices, to help us provide services more efficiently for over 90,000个用户. 如果我们的同事得到很好的支持, it means we as a department are able to keep serving citizens effectively.

