
A Day in the Life of a Senior User Researcher - Stacey Gee, DWP Digital

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

Stacey Gee是DWP Digital的高级用户研究员.

我们采访了她,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台这个角色的信息, 她在DWP Digital的经历, 以及平常的一天是什么样的.


任职时间:3年资深用户研究员, I’ve been at DWP Digital for 5 years after joining as a User Researcher.


I’ve done many jobs which naturally led me to the User Researcher role. 我之前在数字招聘部门工作, 我面试了一个用户研究员的职位, 我记得我在想“这就是我想做的”. I recruited the full UX team and spent as much time with the UX team as possible to learn as much as I could. 当有空缺职位出现时,我就知道我对这个职位很感兴趣. 

I found the user researcher job really appealing as I’m nosy by nature, which is important for this job as it involves constantly asking why and questioning everything.  

几年后, 我觉得我需要改变一下, so when I saw a User Researcher role vacancy at DWP Digital I applied. I initially took another job in the private sector as I thought working in government would be stereotypical boring white men in suits and not agile, 但我大错特错了. 

I joined DWP Digital as a User Researcher working on the Habitual Residence Test, 后来一个升职的机会来了,我就抓住了, 所以我现在是一名高级用户研究员,研究通用信用.

在DWP Digital工作,你最喜欢的是什么?

I work with the most emotionally mature, supportive, funny, and passionate people.  There is such a diverse mix which means we work well together as we all have different ideas and experiences to share.

DWP Digital是一个很棒的工作场所, 我一直在学习,成长的机会是巨大的.

这也是一个非常支持我的工作场所. 我从来没有在这么能理解和有同理心的地方工作过. I feel like the organisation and the people want you to do well and be the best version of yourself. 我们被鼓励做真实的自己.

我喜欢管理团队,也喜欢培养人才.  例如, we have internal trainee schemes where colleagues can move from front line roles 如 Work Coach into a User Researcher role, I love spending the time mentoring these colleagues and sharing my knowledge.


It varies so much, there isn’t a typical day as no two days are the same. 

Basically, a user researcher looks at problems from a user’s point of view. 任何人都可以成为服务的用户, 我在通用信贷公司工作, so our users are the different kinds of people who interact with our service, 如, 申请人, 代理, 工作教练, 就业中心经理和决策者.

A User Researcher’s job is to look at the problem and then present it in a compelling way, balancing the business need and the user needs to ensure we are designing services that are fit for purpose. 

It is important we make sure that we're meeting the needs of all our users as well, 所以我们考虑了可访问性, 比如任何神经多样性的需求. Our role is to ensure that everybody can access our services and all information is available. This is especially important in DWP Digital as almost everyone at some point in their life will experience our services, 我们没有一个典型的用户. 

一个典型的一天可以包括研究日或非研究日. 研究日包括进行研究. 在一天的开始, I’ll make sure we have discussion guides ready and everyone’s been briefed, and that everyone is aware of the main aims and what we want to get out of the day. If our aims need to change course, then I’ll be flexible to review progress during the day.

At the end of a research day, we’ll reflect on what we’ve found and do some analysis. I always like to sit down and discuss the main findings with whoever else has been doing the research to talk through our different views and opinions, 这确保了我们从中立的角度看待这项研究. 

作为资深用户研究员, 非研究日包括会议, 规划未来的研究会议和展望未来的策略. 


What excites me most about the work at DWP Digital is that we are trying to make citizens lives easier. 我们的一些终端用户是社会上最脆弱的群体. If we are able to make their lives easier then I want to help do that, 我想确保我们的服务是以用户为导向的. 

我认为作为一名用户研究人员,你会有同理心, 对我们工作的原因有了更深刻的理解. The opportunity of working in DWP Digital is getting to make a real difference to people’s lives.

I love the people I work with; everyone is passionate about helping citizens. 我听人说过一句话:“用户研究是一项团队运动。”. It basically just sums up our role and that we work collaboratively with people in so many different roles like product managers and developers. 

The best part of the job is speaking to people, I love finding out how to make our services better. I enjoy bringing my ideas up with the team and having healthy debates with product managers. It’s exciting exploring options with my colleagues and challenging each other in a positive way.


自从我开始工作以来,我的自信心增强了很多. I’ve learned a lot from my colleagues because we are such a diverse team and have such a range of experience. 我从别人的观点中学习, 不是每个人都是一样的,有这些不同是很好的. 

Everybody on my team loves feedback and we all want to help each other, we keep in mind that our end goal is always to make our services better for the user.

