
网络安全威胁似乎每年都在增加. 不管防守方有多先进, opportunist thieves and hackers’ methods seem to get more sophisticated and tech-savvy with new threats surfacing each year. 

当然, 2020年是不平凡的一年, the Covid-19 pandemic in many ways has been a catalyst for an increase in 网络安全威胁 随着数字化转型的加速. 我们不得不 适应我们的生活方式, 工作, 银行和连接, but so too have cybercriminals who equally are adapting their pursuits to exploit these changes. 

据《全球最大的博彩平台》报道, more than one in four UK cyber attacks in the past year involved cybercriminals exploiting the coronavirus pandemic, 随着网络钓鱼邮件数量的大幅增加 (up 600%) that used Covid-19 related themes to target individuals and businesses.

As we head into a further lockdown and now that 工作ing from home has become almost commonplace, it’s more important than ever to know how to protect 你rself against the ongoing threat of cybercrime. 事实上,很有可能 远程工作者 will be the focus of cybercriminals throughout 2021… worrying, right?


知道如何识别网络犯罪是个好主意, which is often the first step to help 你 protect 你rself and 你r data. 今天, cybercrime goes beyond stealing 你r financial data and personal information, 网络钓鱼诈骗, 网站欺骗, 恶意软件和社交媒体黑客.

更令人担忧的是, the remote 工作er is more likely to be victimised by malicious links in online forums, 社交媒体和被入侵的网站, 因为许多人对网络攻击的风险不够警惕. 过去一年里, businesses have seen an increase in the number of employees using devices (including personal ones) to access confidential information, 哪些会对任何组织构成风险.

Chris Ashcroft , Head of Technical Services, at Datacentreplus, says:

It’s clear that the global pandemic has seen a rise in cybercriminal activity with more malicious groups taking advantage of security vulnerabilities in devices and applications to steal data. 许多工人继续远程操作, it’s crucial that employers provide additional cybersecurity support and training to help better protect that all-important data”.

所以,为了更好地保护 , we’ve put together a few tips on how 你 can keep 你r computer and personal data safe and what precautions 你 could take to help protect 你 against cybercrime.


Regularly updating the software on 你r computer and other devices is one of the easiest ways to protect 你rself against cyber threats. Operating systems have many built-in functions which help prevent attacks so it’s important these are updated often to help protect 你 against the latest threats.


Anti-virus software allows 你 to scan, detect and remove threats before they become a problem. It really goes without saying that this should be the bare minimum level of security 你 implement on 你r computer.  Anti-virus software is now included in most operating systems but 你 may want to consider commercial alternatives if 你 have particular needs.


设置复杂的密码! It’s important not to repeat passwords on different sites and be sure to change 你r password regularly. 密码应该由多个字母组合而成, 符号和数字, 使用至少12个字符创建安全的强密码. 工具包括 LastPass, a password manager, can be utilised to store secure passwords online.


Don’t open any suspicious links, especially the ones that come in spam emails. These emails are not legitimate and it’s important to avoid clicking on or selecting links in any way. These can be vicious attempts to steal 你r identity and financial information.  更糟糕的是,你可能成为勒索软件攻击的受害者.

Always be mindful of where an unexpected email has come from and if in doubt just don’t click on any links or download any attachments. 


It’s crucial to keep 你r personal and private information locked down when using social media. 管理您的隐私设置, using secure passwords and taking advantage of Two-Factor Authentication where possible so that others cannot access 你r social media accounts even if they do get a hold of 你r password.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) isn’t just applicable to social accounts, 事实上,它适用于您登录的大多数服务. Where available, we recommend that 你 always utilise 2FA or MFA for an additional layer of security.


The emergence of a much larger remote 工作force in the wake of Covid-19 has challenged many organisations and the global pandemic is likely to continue to have a big impact on how people 工作 and security implications in 2021 and beyond. If 你 would like any more information on how to protect 你r personal data and information, 有关资料保安的指引或想了解更多有关我们的 网络安全审计 我们非常乐意帮忙.

