

Research suggests that many autistic people feel the most comfortable online, which results in a high representation of autistic online users who socialise, 经常购物和学习. 

So, how can we ensure that websites and apps are inclusive for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?  

To help raise awareness for World Autism Acceptance Week, here are 7 things to consider when designing for 自闭症: 

1. 图像

  • Use visual cues such as pictures or icons to illustrate a concept and help with reading comprehension.
  • Simple graphics in colour have been found to be very effective, 然而, visuals should not overlay text as it can be distracting. 
  • 视觉效果, icons and graphics should only be used to support or explain text further, or to provide information that text alone can not achieve. 

2. 文本

3. 布局

  • Rapidly changing information can be overwhelming for people with ASD due to overstimulation.
  • 布局s should follow a simple and clear structure and avoid any unnecessary elements of movement and animation.

4. 颜色

  • Use muted colours such as brown, beige and grey. 
  • 自闭症患者有 a significantly lower preference for brighter colours such as red and yellow in comparison to people without ASD.
  • 颜色越亮,亮度值越高, which could be the reason for the lower tolerance and people with ASD often have hypersensitivity and are prone to sensory overload.

5. 隐喻

  • ASD people can be extremely proficient in understanding information as a whole. 
  • 然而,这是可能的 difficult for them to understand inferred meaning 在语言和社会环境中.
  • Use ‘plain’ language to make it easier for people with ASD to understand the context and the inferred meaning. 
  • 图像学应该总是, 在大多数情况下, be used in combination with labels – except in cases such as back buttons which are commonly known.

6. 导航

  • Reducing the number of toolbars to just one and using large, descriptive labels for buttons in combination with icons can also help. 
  • Progress bars should be incorporated as well to provide a sense of structure.

7. 交互

  • It is suggested to only use animation and transitions if they add an additional benefit and are not used for purely visual effects. 
  • Horizontal scrolling can also be unpleasant for autistic users. Elements on a page which do not show the entire content and are hard to control are distracting and uncomfortable to use for people with ASD. 
  • 避免使用动画横幅, 自动播放广告和弹出窗口, 因为这会引起自闭症患者的焦虑.

. . .

See the links below for further reading on designing for 自闭症:




‘Autism Friendly Digital World’, Living Autism, 2019, Lisa McNair

‘Accessible and Usable Websites and Mobile Applications for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comparative Study’

 ‘Usability Testing with People on the Autism Spectrum: What to Expect’

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