

仍在从大流行的影响中恢复, the travel and leisure industry is not estimated to overcome 2019年的巅峰表现至少要到2024年.

And with further economic headwinds on the horizon and domestic tourism 继续推动行业复苏 – UK businesses that fail to deliver seamless break-booking customer experiences face getting left behind.

From personalised digital customer journeys to integrated technologies, businesses must invest in customer-first solutions to remain competitive in the years ahead. 

Here are 5 digital trends shaping the travel and tourism sector in 2023. 


Customer expectations of what great customer experience looks like has shifted significantly since the pandemic.

尽管满意度很高, 负面情绪正在上升. 运营能力紧张, 人员配备方面的挑战很普遍, and hotel amenities and services remain substantially down. 

This means that the way that businesses respond to customer service requests and deliver experiences is more important than ever. We’re seeing a growing trend in businesses investing in platforms to build relationships and enable customers to self-serve their needs as quickly as possible.

之前与客户沟通, during and after their booking or journey is becoming essential to help generate positive feedback and drive engagement online across search and social media. 

As travel volumes increase and business travellers return, there is potential for a wave of customer dissatisfaction – at a time when loyalty is up for grabs. 在这个不断变化的环境中, 优先考虑客户体验的企业可以满足这一点, 建立弹性, 让他们的生意经得起未来的考验. 


随着客户需求和趋势的不断变化, 聪明的企业投资于稳健的, 适应性强的技术为他们的业务提供动力. 这种方式, they are best placed to deliver the experiences today’s consumers expect and maintain a competitive edge.

So businesses can update and add features as customer demands evolve, 基于云和开源的系统, featuring modular and easily customisable components including CMS, CRM, booking engines and payment gateways will become the technology of choice for the sector. 

The use of apps has also not only changed how people book and plan their travel, 还有他们是如何体验的. Apps are becoming the go-to for consumers in the travel and leisure industry, and more and more businesses are investing in app technology to streamline operations and improve their customer experience.

From custom itineraries and 建议 to promotions, discounts and exclusive offers – businesses are leveraging mobile apps to provide customers with greater convenience, while at the same time reducing operational costs and enhancing customer loyalty. 


跨越许多领域, 包括旅游和休闲, there is an ever-increasing need for seamless and integrated revenue management systems.

通过利用最新的数据, business owners can now optimise their pricing strategies in reaction to fluctuating customer demand to maximise profitability.

通过投资正确的数字工具, travel and leisure businesses can gain the agility and responsiveness needed to manage the complexity of today’s customer expectations and be ready for what comes next.


Guests are now looking for a holistic travel experience, going beyond the traditional online travel agent booking website – think mini-guides, 活动, 健康和生态体验.

保持竞争力, travel and leisure businesses must integrate a personalised ‘onboarding’ service with pre-arrival notifications, 建议, 还有当地商家的折扣.


Consumers are increasingly expecting personalised travel experiences, which is increasingly being enabled by hotel and resort owners leveraging data to tailor bespoke offers.

通过利用客户数据和反馈, you can optimise the customer journey for greater customer satisfaction and repeat bookings.

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