

Understanding analytics empowers developers to make 更多的 informed decisions about the sites we work on, 更有效地优化它们, 并为游客创造更多量身定制的解决方案. 在这个博客中, I explore some of the reasons why every developer should invest time and effort into understanding data analytics.

这里是Uplift, we have a dedicated analytics team who are excellent at diving into a site’s data, 找出最相关的, 为我们的设计师和开发人员提供可操作的见解. 多年来, our development team has gotten 更多的 familiar with utilising this data to the point where it is now a standard part of our process.

特别是, there are five specific ways in which utilising data analytics helps our development team create better products.

  1. 数据驱动的决策

Data analytics helps us make data-driven decisions rather than relying solely on intuition or guesswork. 

We never like to make functionality decisions based upon guesswork - so the ability to review site data to understand exactly who might be visiting a particular website, 或者了解他们目前是如何参与其中的, can help us make 更多的 informed decisions about how functionality should work. 

数据是否涵盖受众人口统计, 行为, 可访问性的考虑, 或者什么最有可能将用户转化为潜在客户, all of this builds a picture of our visitors that means we can make 更多的 educated decisions on functionality considerations.

  1. 设备优化

We’re often provided with insights such as which browsers or devices the website is most commonly viewed on, 这意味着我们可以对这些设备进行大量优化. 

例如, if we know that the site is commonly viewed on a mobile network connection, we might take the decision to optimise the site to be as light as possible, 避免长时间的加载时间为用户谁可能是在旅途中. Alternatively if the website’s analytics data tells us that it’s most commonly viewed on larger desktop screen sizes, 然后我们可以将其优化为主要设备类型.

This proactive approach to understanding the user’s technology considerations ensures that sites run smoothly and efficiently, 提供积极的用户体验.

  1. 用户可访问性洞察

We also take the time to review analytics data to understand if there are any specific 可访问性的考虑 we need to bear in mind for a website’s target audience. 例如, this might include visual accessibility aids such as colour contrast tools, 屏幕阅读器, 适当的字体大小和点击目标. Almost all websites will have a proportion of users who do have 可访问性的考虑, and it’s crucial that we bear these users in mind and make the necessary adjustments during our build process.

  1. 个性化

We can also utilise analytical data to understand if there are any opportunities for website personalisation too. 

例如, if we can see that a high proportion of users re-visit an eCommerce website after the product they purchased has arrived, we can tailor the content that appears for returning users - perhaps after 4-5 days. 而不是以销售或促销内容为主, we could put informational or educational content further up - such as set-up guides or instructional videos. 

  1. 业务一致性

Another interesting way in which developers can make use of website analytics is to align with commercial priorities. 

例如, 我们可以知道哪些产品是最常购买的, 并确保这些在整个网站得到充分推广. Or we can understand if a combination of products are often purchased together, and implement upsell functionality as part of the basket or checkout process. This caters for our users - by promoting the products they most frequently look for or purchase - but it also aligns with our client’s commercial priorities too.

整体, incorporating data insights and website analytics into the website build process  is no longer optional but necessary for success. 拥抱分析使我们能够做出明智的决定, 更有效地优化网站性能, and build 更多的 tailored solutions that better cater to user needs. 

通过熟悉网站的分析数据, 开发人员可以成为构建过程中更有价值的资产, 与战略家更紧密地合作, 规划者, 和设计师.


