

Digital Transformation Stories is a new series of interviews 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 is conducting with our members, ranging from those who help facilitate digital transformation processes to those who have been through or are going through a transformation themselves, to find out more about their experiences of digital transformations and share their advice.

本周十大正规博彩网站评级我们的是 Slalom, a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation.

Could you tell us about your organisation and how you support businesses who are going through a digital transformation?

Slalom is a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology and business transformation. 我们将本地社区的个人联系与全球规模相结合.

We support businesses going through digital transformation in a number of ways; helping define their strategy and roadmap, 确保他们拥有与正确的业务流程相匹配的正确技术, while realising value and achieving sustainable change by focusing on people (employees and customers) throughout. 

除了, Slalom has the capability to develop and deliver world class digital products to our customers, 混合设计, engineering and analytics expertise to help them drive better outcomes for their customers.

我们不认为数字化转型是一次性的——它是一个持续的过程. The journey will include introduction of flexible ways of working which set organisations up for continued success.

What impact do you think the Covid-19 pandemic has had on how businesses approach digital transformation, 你认为我们会看到哪些趋势推动大流行后的数字化转型?

The pandemic rapidly identified those businesses that had embraced digital transformation already, who were agile and connected enough to be able to respond quickly to changing customer demands or behaviour, 并且能够适应封锁对其业务实施的变化. 它还确定了那些还没有准备好. 整体, the pandemic has highlighted the need for businesses to embrace technology and all that it entails. 

前进, 我们将看到从数据中产生有价值见解的新动力, 更愿意接受云计算及其提供的所有好处, 以及对更敏捷的渴望, 所以我们能够保持竞争力, 更快地将新产品推向市场, 更有效地与客户互动.

What do businesses need to consider when mapping out their digital transformation journey?

One of the key considerations for a digital transformation is to be clear about the problem the business is trying to solve, 不要忽视这一点. 通常不是一个单一的问题, instead there are a series of inter-related challenges that need to be understood and prioritised. 

从大处着眼,从小事做起. 专注于目标,但不要以牺牲进步为代价.  计划是可以的,但不要花太多时间计划而不采取行动. The target destination today is unlikely to be the ultimate destination as the world will change too much for that.  

在定义你的目标时, understand the impact of the change on customers and employees (If they are not going to be impacted, 该值将在哪里生成?).

Once there is a clear understanding of the problem, it is possible to start to shape the solution. This should be broken down into bite-sized chunks so it can be delivered incrementally and iteratively, 每一步都实现有形的价值.

业务交付变更的能力和能力是一个关键因素, 同时了解成本和潜在的破坏, 低估这一点可能会从一开始就破坏这个过程. 

以及交付变更, 重要的是要考虑企业吸收变化的能力. 如何确保安全过渡到运营? 谁会受到影响? 他们会受到怎样的影响? 他们还要应对哪些挑战呢?

A successful change process will allow the business to move forward and leave the past behind.  “完成”到底是什么样子?

文化在数字化转型中扮演什么角色, 企业如何创造一种拥抱数字化并降低风险的文化?

就像任何有意义的改变一样, 文化在成功的数字化转型中发挥着巨大的作用, 虽然它经常被忽视. 不管你在改变过程中投入了多少努力, 角色, 头衔和工作方式, 如果你不能实现文化变革, 然后,事情最终会恢复到原来的样子.

改变文化很难,但并非不可能. 它需要由组织的最高层来领导, 在一个清晰的, 改变的令人信服的理由(“为什么”)?”) and be continuously reinforced with actions as well as visual symbols, prompts and reminders.

Change can also be strongly influenced from the “bottom up” by helping the team understand the opportunities created along the way. 这通常是通过引进新人才来促进的, 或合作伙伴, 在不同的工作方式中带来不同的能力和经验. 每一位新员工都会稍微改变一下公司文化.

成功的组织往往表现出成长型思维, 公开交流成功的影响, 对失败的反思和一路走来的经验教训.

因为这可能是一段漫长的旅程, 成功组织最重要的特征之一是弹性, 通过移情和提供指导和支持.

How can businesses learn where they should be focusing their efforts and navigate roadblocks?

Whether the objective of a digital transformation is to deliver incremental business value or to address an existential threat, 重要的是它要归企业所有. 这需要领导层在优先事项上保持一致, 以及活动领域和相关成果的明确所有权.

即使是在建立基础元素时,比如建立一个新的平台, 重要的是要专注于一个具体的, high priority use case or business problem so that value is realised as quickly as possible.

数字化转型的触发因素可能包括新兴竞争, 性能问题, 来自客户或员工的反馈, 或者操作环境的变化. Lessons learned from early adopters can help inform the approach which can be further developed through discussion with peers and partners.

障碍往往来自内部. 结果是, 领导一致性在管理复杂性或相互依赖性方面也至关重要, 并使快速决策保持势头.  


Although funding approval for an agile digital transformation can be a challenge as it rarely aligns well with established Capex funding processes, ROI可以部分地用传统的方式来衡量, 基于过程所带来的有形和无形的利益.

当然,非财务指标也很重要. A digitally transformed workplace is typically happier, more dynamic and more innovative. This can be measured through metrics like employee engagement and unplanned attrition rates. 

If done right, experimentation, creativity and innovation will result in some failures. 在这个背景下, 全球最大的博彩平台有多少项目被停止的度量是有价值的, 以及有多少已经成功交付.

How can businesses keep pace with changing technologies to ensure that they're delivering the best possible service?

要跟上不断变化的技术格局几乎是不可能的. Trying to do so would likely result in organisational inertia as introduction of new technologies continuously distract attention before any progress can be made.

而不是, 诀窍是建立一个灵活的, 能够满足当今业务需求的功能平台, 它可以被缩放, 随着业务的增长和需求的演变而增强和扩展. 结果是, we see an increasing move to component-based architectures which allow organisations to develop and work with an ecosystem of technology partners. 

If you could give one piece of advice to a business at the start of their digital transformation process, 会是什么呢??

开始. And start with what matters most… build confidence and momentum in the process by demonstrating early value against clearly understood business priorities (e.g. 收入、客户体验、运营效率). 

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