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This article was originally published on 14 December 2023. 
You can read the original article on the 6point6 website here.



丹最近被官方授予“年度领袖”铜奖 English Veterans Awards. Reflecting 谈他的领导风格以及从军队退役后向企业生活的转变, 丹探讨了成为一个有效的领导者意味着什么,以及在建立安全和有弹性的信息系统中信息保障的重要性. 

What I do

I lead the information assurance team, 这是6point6内一个快速增长的领域,自我2021年十大正规博彩网站评级该公司以来,它的规模已经翻了一番. 我们团队指数级增长背后的驱动因素是对信息保障的日益重视, 再加上一个成功的公式,使我们公司成为一个伟大的工作场所.

Heading up information assurance includes strategy development, performance management and recruitment. 在一个充满新法规的不断变化的空间里,对培训和发展的不懈关注尤为重要, regulations and trends. 与时俱进是我们确保始终为客户提供最佳建议和支持的方式.

I really value the importance of recruiting ‘less of the same’. 多样性在任何行业都是生命线,我把创造一个公平的招聘流程作为我的首要任务,以增加女性和退伍军人在我的团队中的比例. 我曾与人力资源部合作,为英国皇家部队的退伍军人提供更长的准备时间,从接受工作到开始新的工作,最长可达一年. 这意味着我们可以通过重新安置更好地支持退伍军人及其家属, a challenging and stressful time for anyone transitioning into civilian life.

Pull out quote: "Diversity is not a gimmick. It’s the only way to get the best team. That’s why I have developed a flexible model for how we interview and hire. By putting candidates’ needs first, rather than following a one-size-fits-all approach, we attract the brilliant people who don’t fit a specific mould."

A day in my working life

每天都会带来新的体验和不同的挑战——这是部门领导所期望的. There is a key component of my work around resourcing, strategy development, quality checks and ensuring my team has the best environment to work in. 另一个优先事项是我们如何调整信息保障方面的建议,使其与客户的战略和业务优先事项密切相关. 当您与运行关键任务程序的客户一起工作时,保护信息保障的支柱变得更加重要.

Information assurance is much wider than you might think. 信息安全既包括物理安全风险,也包括网络安全风险, data access, privacy and much more. Cyber security might be what everyone is talking about at the moment, but there are sometimes bigger risks that can have far-reaching consequences. 挑战还在于,作为顾问,我们如何从客户的项目和计划开始就传达参与安全保障的价值,从而使其成为转型的基础,而不是在最后才被捆绑起来. In part, 我们通过挑战信息安全是全球最大的博彩平台阻碍创新的误解来做到这一点,而实际上它是全球最大的博彩平台以安全的方式管理风险以利用机会.

Career highlights

我最大的成就之一就是学会超越权威,适应新的思维方式. After joining the corporate world, 马修·赛义德(Matthew Syed)的《全球最大的博彩平台》(Black Box Thinking)和西蒙·斯涅克(Simon Sinek)的《全球最大的博彩平台》(Start with Why)等书给了我灵感. 6point6的领导精神是影响和激励企业各个层面的员工,甚至包括高层! 真正的影响力不是来自职位头衔或你在组织结构图中的位置. 这是全球最大的博彩平台你如何领导和与他人合作的真正的兴趣和关心. 

我也很自豪地为我的团队开发了一个空间,推动了集体的所有权和领导意识——促进, empowering, engaging and sparking their imagination. 你如何将其付诸实践,是通过作为一个团队共同建立愿景和价值观,而不是从高层强加给他们. This means also giving people space to innovate and make mistakes. Failure should not be a bad word. 富有想象力、鼓舞人心和前瞻性的方法是实验的产物. 作为一名实践主管,我的工作是创造合适的环境,让创新的想法得以形成.

I’ve also been heavily involved with TechVets, the charity supporting veterans into technology careers. 我最近领导了与慈善机构的合作,以支持退伍军人过渡到平民职业生涯,并进一步发展我们在6point6的退役军人社区.

Pull out quote: "Leading from the front is for the bygone era. In my experience, 一种更加协作和授权的领导方式会产生更好的结果,也会让团队更快乐. A dispensable leader is also better than a directive one!"

Information assurance is one the best jobs in the world because…

你可以在一个不断变化的威胁环境中工作,利用最新的技术解决复杂的问题. It does mean the stakes are high, but a career in information assurance is wide and cross-cutting. Security needs to be a priority on every single transformation project, in every department and in every organisation. As an information assurance consultant, you can be involved in a wide range of large-scale or complex programmes, 通过有效地管理客户战略目标的风险,产生积极的影响.

我们的顾问需要的最重要的技能是人际交往能力——建立关系的能力, have integrity, solve problems and conduct credible research. From there, the opportunities are endless. 信息保障方面的职位可能是专门从事其他职位的一个很好的起点, like becoming a cyber security architect if you love designing resilient solutions, or a governance specialist if writing policies and procedures is your draw. Information assurance is so vast that no one person can know it all, 让它成为任何喜欢与专家团队一起学习和成长的人的地方.



Dan McCoy

Dan McCoy, Head of Information Assurance

Dan是一位经验丰富的领导者,他激励并使他的团队能够在动态和敏感的环境中解决各种复杂的问题. A TechVets volunteer and 6point6 Mental Health First Aider, 丹获得了2023年英国退伍军人奖年度领袖铜奖.

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