



Drawing on his experience of delivering solutions to address some of the UK government’s most complex digital service requirements, Dnyanesh羽衣甘蓝, 6point6的部门主管, 概述了帮助IT领导者确保其数字化愿景的5个关键步骤.

世界越来越依赖于数字服务. The result is that we continuously evaluate the ease of use and effectiveness of those services, against our experience of interacting with some of the world’s biggest and best funded organisations.

与预期相反, 政府必须提供现代化的、包容的、面向公民的服务,不能让人失望, 同时能够证明物有所值和成本效益.

1. 创建以用户为中心的包容性体验

今天的公共部门IT部门处于启用服务的最前沿, where both the adoption and the perception of service quality can be permanently determined by the user interface and ease of interaction.

It is no longer enough for IT teams to simply take instruction and deliver the technology to fix a problem. 这就要求IT和数字领导者既要有技术素养,又要以人为本. Their experience in digital platform design and implementation is critical to the future of government service delivery, 启用系统, 平台和解决方案, 不久前, 这是不可想象的.

Image of a quote which says "Today’s IT teams need to design services that can be rolled out iteratively and enhanced incrementally."

记住这一点, the first step to ensure the vision for a coherent set of digital services can be successfully delivered, 是让IT领导参与帮助定义业务战略. 凭借他们在服务设计方面的独特知识和经验, 他们的作用对于及早确定所有利益攸关方及其需求至关重要. This helps to ensure that service design is an inclusive process that considers the requirements of all user groups, 特别是从服务提供和获取便利的角度来看.

The early involvement of IT will also facilitate opportunities to apply best-in-class technologies, 哪一种方法可以加速采用并降低一线服务成本, 确保战略需求得到满足.

2. 为规范而设计,但为异常而计划

每个人都使用公共服务, 这意味着他们需要满足各种不同的客户需求. 这反过来又会导致核心用户旅程发生复杂的变化. Often departments will be designing services in anticipation of legislative change or in response to changing user needs. There is always the chance of an unexpected development so service design needs to ensure that the service is adaptable to meet new requirements. 这不仅需要技术专长,还需要特殊的利益相关者参与技能.

然而, 从一开始就设计一个服务,以全面满足每一个可能的场景, 冒着从一开始就引入大量复杂性的风险, 使其建造成本更高,更耗时, 测试和推出.

同时,数字服务需求可能会因为优先级的竞争而变得复杂, being able to respond in an agile and flexible way is paramount to ensure changes can be rapidly accommodated and requirements met. 这意味着设计可以迭代地推出和增量地增强的服务. The initial rollout should focus on providing the best experience for common scenarios with generic functionality to deal with exceptions. Subsequent enhancements can then roll out customisations to address specific scenarios and exceptions.

3. 快速失败并定期迭代

“快速失败方法”已经成为数字服务设计的核心原则, 使IT团队能够快速尝试新想法, 尽早收集反馈并快速解决任何问题. 这种方法也允许持续改进, 确保服务满足其用户的需求, 通过定期测试和用户反馈.

公共部门技术项目, 然而, a need for strict adherence to regulatory and compliance requirements can slow down the development process. 除了, 一些涉众可能会关注某个服务, 哪一种没有给人留下深刻印象,或者被认为成本高昂, 可能导致不良的媒体反应或公众批评. A way of overcoming these issues is to establish clear criteria for testing and piloting new technologies in a controlled environment with appropriate safeguards in place to ensure privacy, 安全性和法规遵从性.

除了, tight budgetary constraints can limit the resources available for experimentation and innovation. 为了解决这个问题, 重要的是要优先考虑具有高影响潜力的功能, 并寻求能够利用资源和专业知识的合作.

整体, the “fail fast and iterate regularly” approach can help public sector technology teams move quickly and adapt to changing circumstances, 确保提供更有效和更具包容性的技术解决方案.

4. 考虑灵活性、可伸缩性、弹性和安全性

The reality of government 操作 is that the aspirational goal to achieve an outcome is easily understood, 但许多相互竞争的优先事项可能很快就会发生变化, 有充分的理由, 让事情变得更复杂.

人们期望速度和适应性,但也期望安全性和弹性. 有一种完成工作的愿望, but there’s also the risk of reputational damage that must be avoided and security and accessibility to be considered upfront.

在创建数字服务时,它们需要灵活、可扩展、有弹性和安全. The design needs to be prioritised as services need to adapt to changing circumstances and handle increased demand. 他们还需要在面对失败时保持弹性,并能够迅速恢复.

当然, 任何设计方案的好坏取决于它的安全性, so close collaboration with security experts during the design and delivery phase will ensure that security is incorporated from the outset. 这包括防范网络攻击, that sensitive data is properly protected and access to the system is fully controlled and auditable.

5. 合作创新

每一个数字服务需求都提供了一个创新的机会, 无论是在新技术领域还是在新工艺领域. For example there are always direct and indirect costs associated with business change that should be considered upfront. Whilst budgeting and accounting for the direct cost of change such as implementation and transition is a well-trodden path, 诸如中断或服务不可用等间接成本可能被低估. Engagement with the user community right from the outset is essential to mitigate the risk of unforeseen indirect costs.

Consideration should be given towards building an established partnership with a specialist technology provider. One who fully understands the challenges and has a strong track record of delivering solutions to address complex problems. This type of relationship will add significant value and can really help to manage down the direct costs, 同时避免间接成本.

The supplier and technology landscape is increasingly complex with more and more innovative offerings coming to market bringing expertise in new technologies. 解决方案供应商的复杂供应链可能很难验证和保证. At 6point6 a major aspect of our work is helping our clients to understand how they can better leverage these new entrants to reduce costs, 降低风险, 提高安全性,提高服务可及性.


Delivering a successful digital vision requires a collaborative approach that brings together stakeholders from strategy, 操作, 政策与技术. 使用我们经过验证的框架和方法, 我们与客户合作,充分了解每个人的需求, identify the overlaps and the divergence of requirements to bring alignment and to rapidly roll out their vision for digital services.

作为技术专家, 我们的独特之处在于不仅推荐创新的技术解决方案, 而且还要将问题转化为所有利益相关者都能理解的语言.

我们的客户相信我们在完成任务、时间和方式上是完全诚实的. But crucially, they also trust us to provide them with creative solutions and credible alternatives.





Dnyanesh是一位拥有超过25年全方位IT经验的企业架构师. Dnyanesh专注于大型企业架构和战略, 以及高度复杂的转换和云实施计划. 近年来,Dnyanesh支持了欧洲最大的云迁移计划.

